Use Applets to Enhance Applications

Applets are self-contained Java programs that can be used in your Domino-based Web applications to mimic Notes client functionality and create a more Notes client-like experience for Web users. Lotus has provided four pre-built applets (defined below) that you can use in your applications. Using them is fairly simple; however, you should keep in mind that the applets require download time and may make the initial page load time seem excessive.

The predefined applets are built with Java Developer's Kit (JDK), Release 1.1.8, to support Java-enabled Web browsers.

You can use four pre-built applets in your applications:

  • View applet— Enables Web users to interact with views much as they would with a Notes client. Mimics many of the traditional Domino view features, including column resizing, multiple document selection, and section collapse/expand without page regeneration.

  • Editor applet— Enables Web users to change the font, color, size, and style for text in rich text fields, which would be rendered as simple a <TEXTAREA> in pure HTML.

  • Action bar applet— Enables Web users to work with actions in a fixed area on the screen and to view and select subactions.

  • Outline applet— Enables Web users to easily work with outlines embedded in a page or form.

Using the View Applet

The view applet can be used for views and embedded views. To display a view on the Web by using the view applet, follow these steps:

Open a view.

Choose Design, View Properties, which opens the View properties box.

Click the Advanced tab (fifth tab).

Enable the Use Applet in the Browser setting in the For Web Access section.

Optionally, configure other display properties.

Save the view.

To display an embedded view using the view applet, follow these steps:

Open a form or page that contains an embedded view.

Right-click the embedded element and choose Embedded View to open the Embedded View properties box.

On the info tab (first tab), in the Web Access field, choose from the following to specify how the view should be displayed:

  • Using Java Applet— Display view using view applet regardless of the view's setting.

  • Using HTML— The view applet is not used regardless of the view's setting.

  • Using View's Display Property— Use the view's setting to determine whether the view applet is or is not used.

Optionally, configure other display properties.

Save the view.

Using the Editor Applet

To use the editor applet to display a rich text field, follow these steps:

Create or select a rich text field.

Right-click the field and choose Field Properties from the menu to open the Field properties box.

On the Field Info tab (first tab), enable Using Java Applet in the Display field of the Web Access section.

Optionally, configure other display properties.

Save the form.

Using the Action Bar Applet

To enable the action bar applet for Web users, follow these steps:

Open the form that contains the action bar.

Right-click the action bar and choose Action Bar Properties, which opens the Action Bar properties box.

In the Action Bar Info tab (first tab), choose Using Java Applet in the Display field of the Web Access section.

Optionally, configure other display properties.

Save the form.

To disable the applet, repeat steps 1 and 2, then select Using HTML in the Display field of the Web Access Section. Save the form.

Using the Outline Applet

To enable the outline applet for Web users, follow these steps:

Open a page or form containing an embedded outline.

Right-click the embedded outline and choose Embedded outline, which opens the Embedded Outline properties box.

On the Info tab (first tab), in the Web Access section, choose Using Java Applet.

Optionally, configure the display properties.

Save the page or form.

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