Exam Prep Questions

Question 1Fumiko has Author access to her company's Web application. Maximum name and password is set to the default. What access will Fumiko have when she opens the database?
  • A. Fumiko will have Reader access, as that is the default setting in Maximum name and password.

  • B. Because the Maximum name and password default is Editor, Fumiko will have editor rights.

  • C. Fumiko will have Author access; even though Maximum name and password default is Editor, this setting will not increase the ACL.

  • D. Because the two contradict each other, Fumiko will be locked out of this database until the Manager corrects the discrepancy.

A1: Answer C is correct. The default Maximum name and password field is Editor, but this will not increase ACL rights. A is incorrect as the default is Editor not Reader. B is incorrect, you cannot increase access listed in the ACL. Finally, D is incorrect because the ACL wins.
Question 2Derek John has developed a database that will be used by Notes and Web clients. Web clients should be allowed to read and create documents, but not edit anyone else's. He wants Editor rights for the SelectGroup through Notes only. He has secured his site with SSL and has set Maximum Internet name and password to Author. Anonymous access is set to the Reader level, and he set SelectGroup as Editors. During testing, he finds SelectGroup has Editor access through Notes and the Web. Where did Derek John go wrong?
  • A. Maximum Internet name and password has been removed with Domino/Notes 6.

  • B. Setting Maximum Internet name and password cannot override the ACL, so SelectGroup has Editor access.

  • C. Maximum Internet name and password does not apply to Web users being authenticated with SSL client certificates.

  • D. SelectGroup is a reserved group name that has default rights.

A2: Answer C is correct. Access defaults to what is listed in the ACL if SSL client authentication has been activated. Answers A and D are incorrect as there is no such thing. Answer B is incorrect; Maximum Internet name and password cannot increase access, but it does limit access.
Question 3Shirley has two databases in her Web application. One, a discussion forum, requires basic authentication for access. For the second, a Product Catalog, she wants everyone to have only Read access from the Web and Author access from Notes. In the Product Catalog's ACL, Shirley has set Anonymous access to Reader and Default to Author. She later finds that some users are adding documents to the Product Catalog from the Web. How is this possible?
  • A. Users have an Internet password in their Person document.

  • B. The users able to add documents have a Notes ID. Anonymous applies to unknown users and Default applies to users with a Notes ID.

  • C. The Maximum name and password is Editor as default, which would allow this.

  • D. Database properties were set to allow Notes clients full access through the Web.

A3: Answer A is correct. When a user has an Internet password, it applies to all databases on the server. When they create documents in the Catalog from the Web they are not denied; they are asked to authenticate. B is incorrect because Notes IDs do not apply on the Web. C is incorrect because the Maximum name and password field does not override the ACL. D is incorrect as there is no such property.
Question 4Wenonah set up the following two File Protection documents for a file that is located in the html directory.
File Protection Document 1File Protection Document 2
Path: dominohtmlPath: dominohtmlhome.html
Access: -Default-(No Access)Access: -Default-(No Access)
Access: WebUsers (GET)Access: Joe User (GET)

What access does this give to Joe User and the WebUsers?

  • A. WebUsers have access to all files in the html directory and Joe User has access only to the home.html file.

  • B. WebUsers have access to all files in the html directory, but Joe User has no access. He cannot have access to a file if he does not have access to the directory in which it resides.

  • C. WebUsers have access to all files in the html directory but the home.html file, and Joe User has access only to home.html.

  • D. This cannot be done.

A4: Answer C is correct. File protection documents work like database ACLs. If you are not explicitly listed, you get Default access. In both cases, Directory and File, Default is No Access, so you get access only if you are listed. A is incorrect because WebUsers are not explicitly listed in the home.html access list. B is incorrect because Joe User is listed for home.html and therefore has access, but WebUsers are not, so they have access to everything but. D is incorrect because this can be done.
Question 5Which field-level security can be used for the Web?
  • A. Readers fields, Author fields, and Field encryption.

  • B. Field encryption only.

  • C. Author fields.

  • D. Reader fields and Author fields.

A5: Answer D is correct. A and B are incorrect because Web users do not have access to a secret encryption key. C could technically be correct, but we are looking for the best answer.
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