Embedded Elements

Embedded elements are Domino design elements and controls that can be embedded on a page, form, subform, or document. Embedded elements often enable a developer to provide greater usability, and they also make it easier to develop a single application that has similar functionality for both Notes clients and Web browsers. Because Notes elements must be converted to HTML, many Notes elements lose some of their functionality when accessed through a Web browser. Embedded elements allow a developer to maintain much of the native Notes client functionality when developing Web applications, thus providing a rich and more user-friendly application.

The Domino elements that can be embedded include the following:

  • Date picker

  • Editor

  • Folder pane

  • Outline

  • Scheduler

  • Single-category views

  • Views

Each of these elements is discussed in the following sections.

Date Picker

The embedded date picker works with open calendar views to enable a user to pick a day that is then opened in a calendar view with all the calendar entries for that day. In order to work properly, the embedded date picker must be in the same frameset as an open calendar view.

Embedded date pickers are not supported for Web applications.

To embed a date picker, follow these steps:

Open the form, page, or subform that will contain the date picker. If you want to embed the date picker in a document, open the document.

Position the cursor where you want the date picker to appear on a page, form, subform, or in the Rich Text field of a document.

Choose Create, Embedded Element, Date Picker from the menu.

Right-click the date picker object and choose Date Picker Properties to configure the date picker's properties.

Save the form, page, subform, or document.

Domino 6 enables you to specify which open calendar view should work with the date picker. By default, all open calendar views will respond to dates picked in the date picker.


Embedded editors allow you to build more user-friendly applications because you can embed one or more forms into a form, allowing a user to edit multiple documents at one time. Additionally, you can use targeting, in which you link an embedded editor to an embedded view, enabling users to edit documents in the view without needing to open a new window.

Although you can do nearly anything in an embedded editor that you can do in a form, the following objects should not be used in an embedded editor:

  • Navigators

  • Computed text

  • Action hot spots

  • Formula pop-up hot spots

  • Buttons

To create an embedded editor, simply follow these steps:

Open a form in the Designer client.

Position the cursor where you want the embedded editor to appear.

Choose Create, Embedded Element, Editor from the menu. This opens the Insert Embedded Form dialog box.

Choose one of the options to determine how the editor will work:

  • Select None to use targeting.

  • Select an existing form from the list of forms.

  • Enable the Insert Form Based on Formula option and write a formula that computes to the name of a form.

Right-click the embedded editor and choose Properties to launch the Embedded Editor properties box.

Enable the appropriate properties.

Save the form.


To use an outline in your application, you must embed it in either a form, page, or a Rich Text field in a document. To embed an outline on a form, page, or document, follow these steps:

Open a form, page, or document that will contain the outline.

Place the cursor where you want the outline to appear. If you are placing the outline in a document, you must be in a Rich Text field.

Choose Create, Embedded Element, Outline from the menu, which will display the Insert Embedded Outline dialog box.

Select the outline you wish to embed.

(Optional) If you want to programmatically choose which outline to display, enable the Choose an Outline Based on a Formula option and then write a formula in the Programmer's Pane that returns the name of the outline to display.

Right-click the outline and choose Outline Properties to configure the outline properties.

Save the form, page, or document that contains the outline.


The embedded scheduler is a very handy tool that enables you to build a form or subform that can display users' schedules, allowing users to view each other's schedules and open other users' calendar views.

There are four steps to using an embedded scheduler:

Embed a scheduler on a form or subform.

Create the fields that the scheduler needs to interact with the user.

Write the code needed to interface the scheduler with the fields.

Configure the scheduler's properties.

Each of these four steps is explained in the following sections.

Creating an Embedded Scheduler

To create an embedded scheduler on a form or subform, follow these steps:

Open the form or subform that will contain the embedded scheduler.

Position the cursor where you want the embedded scheduler to appear.

Choose Create, Embedded Element, Scheduler.

Multiple embedded schedulers can be embedded on a form or subform.

Create the fields the scheduler needs to display a schedule. The scheduler needs three pieces of information before it can display a schedule:

  • The group or individual schedule to display

  • The start week of the schedule

  • The number of hours per day to display

Associate your fields with the embedded scheduler by selecting an object in the Objects tab of the Programmer's Pane and then enter a field name (in quotation marks) in the Script area of the Programmer's Pane. The following is a list of fields for use with the scheduler:

  • Required People Items— Either provide a formula or specify the name of a field that contains the people or groups required for scheduling.

  • Grid Start Time— Either provide a formula or specify the name of a field that contains the start date for the scheduler. The default time is the current date and time.

  • Display Hours Per Day— Either provide a formula or specify the name of a field that contains the number of hours to display on the scheduler grid.

Configure the embedded scheduler's properties by right-clicking the scheduler and choosing Scheduler, Properties. Some of the more important properties are listed here:

  • Name— Used to specify a name for the scheduler.

  • Target Frame— Used to specify a frame where calendar views and appointment documents will display.

  • Initialize from Item Values— Enable this option to make the scheduler build the initial participants list from the user-defined fields in the form.

  • Refresh from Item Values— Enable this option to make the scheduler refresh data from the values of the items previously specified when a DocRecalc event fires.

  • Allow Sorting— Enable this option to allow users to sort the list of attendee names.

Save the form that contains the embedded scheduler.

Views and Folders

Embedding a view or a folder pane in a page or form allows you much greater control over how a view looks and works on the Web. What's more, you can you combine other design elements with the view to provide additional functionality on the Web. To embed a view or a folder pane, follow these steps:

Open a form, subform, or page in the Designer. Alternatively, you can open a document in Edit mode to embed the view directly into a document.

Position the cursor to the spot where you want the view or folder pane to display.

Choose one of the following from the menu:

  • Create, Embedded Element, Folder Pane to embed a folder.

  • Create, Embedded Element, View to embed a view. Certain view-only options are described in the following list:

    • Configure display options for the embedded view, which includes displaying the view as HTML, as a Java applet, or using the display properties set for the view in the view itself.

    • (Optional) Enable the Choose a View Based on a Formula option to write a formula that will choose the view to open.

    • (Optional) Choose a target frame on the Info tab (the first tab) of the Embedded View Properties box to specify where the document is displayed when it is opened.

Save the form, subform, or page that contains the embedded element.

Single-Category Views

An embedded view can be restricted to a single category in that view so that only documents that are in the chosen category will be displayed.

To make an embedded view show a single category, you must categorize the embedded view.

Follow these steps to create a single-category embedded view:

Open a form in the Designer client.

Position the cursor at the place in the form where the view should appear.

Choose Create, Embedded Element, View from the menu, which opens the Insert Embedded View dialog box.

Select the view you want and click OK.

In the Programmer's Pane, choose the Show Single Category event.

Write a formula that will return the category that should be displayed.

Save the form.

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