Chapter 15. Manage and Maintain

Terms you'll need to understand:

  • Web site rules

  • Incoming URL patterns

  • Server tasks

  • Global Web site settings

  • Internet access

  • Database properties

  • Server documents

Concepts and techniques you'll need to master:

  • Creating and setting Web site rules

  • Understanding server tasks needed for Web browsing

  • Understand and use server documents to manage Internet access

  • How to set global Web site settings on the server

  • Setting database properties for Web access

Designing applications and server administration are not mutually exclusive in Domino. Performance, security, client usage, and other application elements cross these boundaries. Domino has always maintained that Designers need to know some administration because it can have an impact on the functionality of their applications and vice-a-versa. This chapter discusses some administration areas such as Server documents, tasks, and Internet Site documents.

Domino Server documents have long been used to maintain and manage the Domino Server and Domino Web Server. Although you could continue using the Server document, setting up and using the Internet Site documents will make maintaining Internet protocols easier and more dynamic. For this reason, Internet Site documents are addressed seriously in the exam.

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