Setting Database Properties for Web Access

Database Properties include settings that affect how a database displays and functions. Three parameters that you can set in the Database Properties that pertain to Web access are located on the Basics tab of the Database Properties box, as shown in Figure 15.6.

Figure 15.6. Basics tab of the Database Properties box.

You can set three Database Properties parameters that apply to Web access:

  • Use JavaScript When Generating Pages— Select this parameter if you need multiple buttons on your form or want to use certain @Commands. Using this parameter can affect the performance and functionality of your application, as discussed in Table 15.3.

    Table 15.3. Consequences of the Use JavaScript When Generating Pages Parameter
    Use JavaScript When Generating Pages Is SelectedUse JavaScript When Generating Pages Is Not Selected
    Hot spot formulas are calculated when clicked by user so documents display faster.Hot spot formulas are all calculated before displaying the document so the display time is longer.
    A Submit button is not automatically generated so you must create one.A Submit button is automatically generated.
    Multiple buttons can be applied to one form.Multiple buttons are not supported. Only one button is created and that is the Submit button. If you have multiple buttons on the form, the first is converted to a Submit button and the rest are ignored.
    @Command([FileSave]), @Command([FileCloseWindow]), and @Command([ViewRefreshFields]) are supported on the Web.@Command([FileSave]), @Command([FileCloseWindow]), and @Command([ViewRefreshFields]) are not supported on the Web.
    Domino does not check formulas before display.Domino checks the formulas before displaying pages so @Commands and @Functions not supported are not displayed.

  • Require SSL Connection— This parameter gives you an extra layer of security. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a security protocol that encrypts data as it moves between your server and Web clients, as discussed in Chapter 17, “Exam 612—Security.” If the administrator has enabled SSL, you can choose this setting to require that Web clients access this database through the SSL port only. If this is not checked, Web clients could access through SSL or TCP/IP.

  • Don't Allow URL Open— This parameter prohibits browser users from manipulating an application that uses URL commands to open forms or views, such as a servlet. The restricted URLs include any command beginning with a ?, for example, ?OpenDataBase. With this property set, users would receive an HTTP error 500. URL ? commands are discussed in detail in Chapter 16, “Exam 612—Programming.”

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