Creating Workflow Applications

When creating workflow-enabled applications that are to be used by Notes users, designers can use reserved fields to provide some workflow capabilities.

Domino provides predefined, reserved fields that, when used, automatically add functionality that the designer would normally have to program himself/herself. Some of these reserved fields accept only a Boolean value that determines whether the specific functionality should be explicitly enabled or disabled.

Whereas some reserved fields accept only Boolean values to enable/disable their functionality, some reserved fields use user-defined values such as conditional statements and more complex formulas to determine their respective actions.

Some reserved fields that accept values to determine their action are

  • SendTo— Routes mail to users, groups, servers, or any combination listed in this field.

  • CopyTo— Routes a copy of mail to users, groups, servers, or any combination listed in this field.

  • BlindCopyTo— Routes a blind carbon copy of mail to users, groups, servers, or any combination listed in this field.

  • Categories— Automatically categorizes documents.

Whereas some reserved fields accept only Boolean values to enable their functionality, and others accept user-defined values, still others accept only predetermined constants to determine their capability.

Some reserved fields that accept only predefined constant values are

  • DeliveryPriority— Flags mail for delivery as either High, Medium (Normal), or Low Priority. The field values accepted are L, N, or H.

  • MailFormat— Enables cc:Mail users to view Notes mail in four formats: B—Both text and encapsulated; E—Encapsulated in a Notes database that is attached to the memo; M—Body field of document is rendered as text and pasted into the cc:Mail memo; or T—Contents of the document are rendered as text and pasted into the cc:Mail memo (cc:Mail is a former Lotus LAN email product).

  • $VersionOpt— Controls version tracking for the document.

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