Creating, Modifying, Troubleshooting Framesets

Framesets are collections of frames that are independent sections or windows. They enable designers to structure how an application is displayed and to manipulate multiple elements in one window. One way to control and manipulate these elements is through links. A frameset can have a navigation pane containing links that, when clicked, launch another element within a different frame within the frameset. Controlling where these links launch is important in displaying your application properly.

Controlling Document Target Frames

When a user clicks on a link in a frame, where does it launch? To control where a link launches, specify the target into which you want the link to launch.

One way to control where a link launches is to set the target in the Frame Properties. When you add frames to the frameset, assign a name to each frame. As shown in Figure 14.7, in the Frame Properties is a setting default target for links to frame, which is the field in which you can define where a link will launch when clicked.

Figure 14.7. Frame Property box.

In Figure 14.7, the Left Frame property is where the target is set to launch Link to LDD. You have a number of options for the text you type in the Default target For Links In frame text field. Those target options are listed and their consequences described in Table 14.5. For clarity, the table uses frame names as specified in Figure 14.7.

Table 14.5. Text Options to Be Typed in Default Target for Links in Frame Field
Typed TextConsequent Action
None—field is left blankClicking the link launches the element into the same frame.
HTML predefined name _selfThe element launches into the same frame.
Specific Frame name, as in example, RightFrameLink loads the element into the frame that is named, such as RightFrame.
HTML predefined name _blankLaunches the link into a new window.
Non-existent name (could type aasdf as long as there is not a frame with that name)Launches the link into a new window.
_parentLoads the element over the frameset.
_topLoads the element over all framesets (if multiple ones are open) in the window

There are three other ways a target frame can be set. One is to use the link attribute target=. This method is used when you code the link in HTML:

<a href = "/database.nsf/ElementName?OpenElement" target="frameName">

Also the @SetTargetFrame function can set the target. This function needs to be placed before the command that opens the design element:


In both examples, replace element with the design element you wish to launch, such as Page or Form.

Third, you can specify a target frame in the design element's properties on the Launch tab.

If you want to set targets in both the design elements properties and in the Frame properties in which they will reside, make sure they specify the same target frame.

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