Acceleration constant:

definition of, 280

determination from Bode diagram, 536

relationship to poles and zeros, 286287

Accuracy, static, 277288

ACET program, description of, 463

Ackermann’s formula for design using pole placement, 611617

application example of, 613617

Adaptive control systems, 252254

human, 6

pitch flight, 589591

Adjoint matrix, definition of, 104

Aeronautical control systems, 1


adaptive pitch flight control of, 589591

attitude control system for, 16

autopilots for, 1416

Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey military tilt rotor, 1617

Bell Boeing 609 commercial tilt rotor, 17

equations for landing phase, 172173

examples of, 1420

F-15 Eagle, 1820

F-22 Raptor, 1820

guidance system for, 1415

instrument landing system for, 172173

MD-11, 1416

nose-wheel steering system for, 500

simulator for, 1719, 266

UH-60 Black Hawk combat assault helicopter, 1718

wind-shear detection for, 14

Airline reservation system, control of, 33

Amplidyne, 202

Analog computer, 94101, 116118, 133134

Analogy circuit concept, 221224

Analog-to-digital converters, 683695

Analytic functions:

definition of, 41

derivative of, 40

example of, 4142

Angle of departure, 418420

Antennas of tracking radars, mechanical resonance of, 981–983

Antiskid control system, 7

Antisubmarine warfare system, control of, 33

Aquatic control system, 26

modeling equations for, 177178

Armature-controlled dc servomotor, 198202

decreasing time constant of, 230

elimination of disturbances with, 231232

with back emf for stabilization, 231

Asymptotic stability, definition of, 236

Attitude control:

aircraft, 1416

rocket, 501

space vehicle, 1011

Automatic floor scrubbers, control of, 34

Automatic inventory control, 314315

Automatic warehousing, 7, 314315

Automation, 7

Automobile, model of leasing agency of, 35

Autopilots, 1, 1416

control of airplane’s roll using, 1018–1020

Back emf, 230231

Backlash, 275277, 296

Band-pass network, circuit for, 7981

Band-rejection network, circuit for, 7981


definition of, 295296

effect of compensation on, 532, 567579

effect of noise on, 532

BASIC computer program, Bode diagram from, 386389

Bioengineering control systems, 1

Biomedical control systems, 2325

Block diagram, 8286

reduction techniques, 8384

Bode-diagram method, 362398, 525548

approximate closed-loop response, 541548

approximate phase-shift from, 544548

break frequency of, 368

compensation using, 528541

computer programs for obtaining, 380385

examples of, 372380, 528541

MATLAB used to obtain, 380385

relationship to Nyquist diagram, 374375

Bode’s theorems:

first theorem, 525527

second theorem, 526528

Boston elbow, 2325

Branches, 86

Break-away point, 415418

Break frequency, definition of, 368

Break-in point, definition of, 415418

Bulk modulus of oil, definition of, 215


automatic focus control system for, 2526

Nikon N6006 35-mm camera, 2526


of mechanical system, 223

of pressure system, 223

thermal, 223

Cascade compensation, methods of, 510518

Cascaded elements, transfer function of, 82

Cauchy-Reimann conditions, 41

Cauchy’s theorem:

application to digital systems, 721

definition of, 350352

principle of the argument, 350

Central Japan Railways Company, 1114

Challenger, 89, 237239

Characteristic equation, 83, 333334

obtaining from classical methods, 334335

obtaining from state variables, 335340

Characteristic response, second-order system, 240247

Chemical control systems, 1, 7, 32, 1020

equations for, 182183

pH factor control of, 32

Circle criterion, see Generalized circle criterion

Circuit concept and analogy, 222224

Classical approach, second-order system analysis, 240247

Climate control system, 7

Closed-loop control system, definition of, 46

Closed-loop frequency response, relationship to time-domain, 405408

Closed-loop resolvent matrix, definition of, 596

Closed-loop system matrix, definition of, 596

Closed-loop systems, transfer function, 8295

CODAS-II program, description of, 462

Cofactors of matrices, definition of, 104

Column vector, 101102

Command, control and communication system, 33


airline reservation system, 33

antisubmarine warfare system, 33

control of, 33

ground traffic control system, 33

police command system, 33

satellite communication system, 33

strategic system, 33

Commercially available software:

ACET, 463


Ctrl-C, 461462

description of, 456, 461463


Program CC, 462463

Companion matrix, definition of, 110111


Bode-diagram method of, 525541

cascade-compensation techniques, 507508, 510518

definition of, 507

linear continuous system use of, 507510

minor-loop feedback method of, 518520

Nichols chart method of, 548551

root locus method of, 549, 552567

tradeoffs among methods of, 567570

Complex variable, 3943

analytic functions of, 3942

definition of, 39

multivalued function of, 4243

ordinary points of, 40

poles of, 4243

singled-valued function of, 4243

singularities of, 42

zeros of, 43

Complimentary sensitivity, definition of, 638

Computer programs:

ACET, 463

Bode diagram obtained using, 380385

Codas II, 462

commercially available software, 456, 460463

Ctrl-C, 461462

margins, 375

MATLAB, 5875, 118121, 380385, 437442, 460461

Nichols chart obtained using, 403405

Program CC, 462463

rlpoba, 429

rootangl, 429

root locus obtained using, 437442

rootmag, 429

time response obtained using, 121125, 393398

wpmp, 402

Conditionally stable systems, 357359

Constant magnitude loci, 400402

Constant phase-angle loci, 400402

Control-canonical form, 100

Controllability, definition of, 605608

example of, 608

test for, 607

Control stroke, hydraulic system, 214

Control winding of ac servomotor, 206207

Critical damping, definition of, 242

Cruise control system, 7

Ctrl-C program, description of, 461462

Damped frequency oscillation, definition of, 241247

Damping factor, 245

Damping ratio:

best damping ratio to use, 252255

critical, 242

definition of, 242245

nonlinear, 253254

overdamped, 242243

relation to the phase margin, 357

underdamped, 244247

dc armature-controlled motor, 198202

dc field-controlled servomotor, 203206

dc generator, 197198

dc Ward-Leonard system, 202203

Dead-reckoning system, application of, 34

Decibel, definition of, 364

Delay time factor, Bode diagram of, 371372

Depth control, submarine, 22, 28, 176


Bode-diagram method of, 528541

cascade compensaton techniques, 510518

linear continuous system, 507591

minor-loop feedback method of, 518520

Nichols chart method of, 548551

root-locus method of, 552556

Determinant, 104

Determinant of signal-flow graph, definition of, 88

Diagonal matrix, definition of, 102


Bode diagram of, 366367

Laplace transformation of, 54

Differentiation network, 7981

Digital computer, data storage and retrieval for, 324326


signals, 9495

torque, 231232

Dominant poles, 555

Ecological control systems, 26, 177178, 181182, 497

modeling equations for, 177178, 497

waste control system example of, 181182

Economic considerations, 296, 482483

Economic systems, control of, 1, 26, 3132, 170

Eigenvalues, definition of, 338

Electro-mechanical devices:

armature-controlled dc motor, 198202

dc generator, 197198

field-controlled dc servomotor, 203206

state-variable representation of, 201, 205206, 209

transfer functions of, 195213

two-phase ac servomotor, 206213

Ward-Leonard system, 202203

Elevator control system, 29, 31

English set of units, 194

conversion from International set of units, 194

Error constants, definition of, 279280

Estimator design:

linear-state variable-feedback, 593605, 617630

pole placement, 611617

Estimator gain matrix M, definition of, 617

Euler-Lagrange equation, 939

Feedback compensation, 507510, 515520, 522525, 528541, 548657

Feedforward compensation, 164

Field-controlled dc motor, 203206

automatic speed control, 5

Final-value theorem:

definition of Laplace transform, 55

Flight-control system, 1416

Fluidic control systems, 478479

Ford Motor Company, 8

FORTRAN programs:

Bode diagram obtained using, 386398

root locus obtained using, 443454

time-response obtained using, 122124

Forward path:

definition of, 87

gain of, 87

Fourier integral, 4850

definition of, 50

Fourier series:

complex form, 4648

definition of, 4344

trigonometric form of, 4346

Fourier transform, definition of, 4950

Frequency for maximum peaking, Nichols chart method for finding, 399

Frequency spectrum, 159

F-15 Eagle aircraft, 1820

Gain margin, definition of, 357

multiple, 358359

Gain-crossover frequency, definition of, 374

Gain-phase diagram, see Nichols chart

Gear ratio, 209213

Gear trains, 209213

illustrative problem of, 226227

Generator constant, definition of, 197

Gimbal, gyroscope use of, 229

Grant’s rule, 421

Guidance systems, 1, 1415

Gyroscope, 229

H control concepts, 636651

examples illustrating, 642645, 648649

foundations of, 643644

MIMO case, 641643

SISO case, 644649

theoretical concepts of, 637641

Helicopter control system, 589591

UH-60 Black Hawk, 1718

Help-Mate robot, 10

High-speed trains, 1014

Home heating system, 7, 27

Homogeneous solution, differential equations, 130

Human control systems, 6, 2325, 3031, 485486, 492, 588590

Human transfer function, 492494, 500501

Hydraulic devices, 213219

motor and pump, 214217

state-variable representation of, 216217

transfer function of, 216, 218

valve-controlled motor, 217219

Hydraulic-electrical analogies, 223

Hydraulic motor and pump, 214217

state-variable representation, 216217

transfer function of, 216, 218

Hydraulic valve-controlled motor, 217219

transfer function of, 218

Hydrofoils, 1, 2223

H.S. Denison, 578579

pitch-control system for, 578579

USS Pegasus (PHM-1), 2223

IAE performance criterion, definition of, 291

Identity matrix, definition of, 102


of hydraulic systems, 223

of mechanical system, 223

Information theory, 38

Initial-value theorem:

definition of Laplace transform, 55

Input vector, definition of, 102

Instrument landing system, description of, 172173

Integrating network, 7880


Bode diagram of, 365366

Laplace transform of, 5455

Interest accrual, control system for, 170171

Internal combustion engine:

control of, 31

optimization of, 931

International set of units, 194

conversion to English set of units, 194

Inventory control systems, 7

Inverse Laplace transform, approach of, 5658

Inverse of a square matrix, 106107

ISE performance criterion, definition of, 291

ISTAE performance criterion, definition of, 291

ISTSE performance criterion, definition of, 291

ITAE performance criterion, 291, 294295

definition of, 291

ITSE performance criterion, definition of, 291

Japan Railways Group, 1014

Jitter, noise, 272, 296, 993

Kirchoff’s equations, 186188, 223

Lag network, 7881, 511512

Bode-diagram compensatioin using, 510511

compensation using, 528530

Nichols chart compensation using, 548551

root-locus compensation using, 557567

tradeoffs of using, 567570

Lag-lead network, 513514

tradeoffs of using, 567570

Laplace transform, 5058

definition of, 51

differential equation solution, 54

exponential decay, 5152

final-value theorem, 55

initial-value theorem, 55

inversion of, 5658

inversion of using MATLAB, 7175

properties of, 5455

shifting theorem, 55

sinusoidal function, 5253

tables of, 53, 683684

unit ramp, 52

unit step, 5152

useful examples of, 142153

Lead network, 512, 515517

Bode diagram compensation using, 530541

circuit for, 80

linear-state variable feedback, 603604

root locus compensation using, 552555

tradeoffs of using, 567570

Liberty Mutual Insurance Group, 24

Linear algebraic techniques, 649651

Linear differential equation, 7577, 130, 190

constant coefficient, 7577, 190

homogeneous solution, 130

particular solution, 130

Linear-state variable feedback, 593630

concept of, 593605

controller and estimator design, 620630

controller design using, 598605

estimator design using, 617620

general design procedure for, 593598

regulator design using, 620628

Linear system, 5455, 507508, 510518, 525541, 549567

compensation of, 507508, 510518, 525541, 549567

Liquid-level control systems, 24, 488489

Logarithm, definition of, 364

Logarithmic plot, 363371

Log-magnitude versus phase plot, 363371

Logspace MATLAB command, definition of, 381382

Loop gain, definition of, 87

Lunar Excursion Module, equations for, 171172

Lunar landing, 1, 171172

M contours, definition of, 400401

Machine-tool control, computer-controlled, 309310, 322323

Magnetic levitation, 1014

Management control systems, 1

Man-machine control systems, 6, 2325, 492494, 500501

Manual control systems, transfer function of, 237239, 500501

Map drive control system, 263265

Mapping contours from s-plane to F(s)-plane, 344349

Margins subroutine, Toolbox, 375

Marketing program, equations for, 180181

Mason’s theorem:

application problems for, 9093

definition of, 88

Mass-capacitance analogy, 223

Mass-inductance analogy, 223

MATLAB, 5875

Bode diagram obtained using, 380385

commands, 7173

table of, 7273

Control System Toolbox, 71, 7374

data representation of, 6871

Demonstration m-file, 59

description of, 5875

fundamental concepts of, 6668

Help, 59, 67

installation of, 6164

Laplace transform inversion using, 71, 7475

Modern Control System Theory and Design Toolbox, 58

Nichols chart obtained using, 402405

Nonlinear Toolbox, 60

Nyquist diagram obtained using, 359362

rise time curve obtained using, 289290

root-locus diagram obtained from, 437442

Simulink Toolbox, 60

Student Edition of MATLAB, 58, 6162, 64

Symbolic Toolbox, 60

Synopsis File, 59

transformation from state-space to transfer function, 120121

transformation from transfer function to state-space form, 119120

transient response of systems using, 124129

retrieving from anonymous FTP server, 58

tutorial, 59

Tutorial File, 59


addition/subtraction of matrices, 104105

adjoint matrix, 104

algebra, 101108

closed-loop resolvent, 596

cofactor of, 104

controller gain K, 594595

diagonal matrix definition, 102

differentiation of a matrix, 107

estimator gain M, 617

identity matrix definition, 102

integration of a matrix, 108

inverse of a square matrix, 106107

multiplication by a scalar, 105

multiplication of two matrices, 106

skew-symmetric matrix, 103

symmetric matrix, 103

transpose of a matrix, 103

zero matrix, 104

Matrix operations, rules of, 104108

Maximization of K(σ) method, use of for root-locus method, 415418

Maximum percent overshoot:

definition of, 247

root-locus determination of, 556557

Maximum value of peaking, Nichols chart method for finding, 399404

McDonneell Douglas Corporation, 1416

Mechanical control systems, 18995

rotational, 194195

translational, 189194

Mechanical devices:

state-variable representation of, 190193, 195

tables of symbols, 190, 194

transfer functions of, 191

Mechanical-electrical analogies, 221224

Metadyne, 202

Military control systems:

F-15 Eagle aircraft, 1820

F-22 Raptor aircraft, 1820

hydrofoils, 1, 2223, 578579

strategic missile submarine, 2022

surface-effect ships, 2223

Minimization nof K(σ) method, 415418

Minimum-phase systems, definition of, 364

Missile systems:

acceleration-control steering, 262263

launcher control system for, 35, 274276

roll attitude control of, 501

roll-rate control of, 575576


circuit concept and analogy, 221224

transfer functions of control systems, 255260

using principle of conservation, 221222

Models of:

acquaculture control systems, 177178

armature-controlled dc motor, 198202

automobile leasing agency, 35

command, control, and communication system, 33

ecological control systems, 177178, 497

economic systems, 26

field-controlled dc servomotor, 203206

generator, 197198

human control systems, 2325, 3031, 485486, 492, 588590

hydraulic motor and pump, 214217

hydraulic valve-controlled motor, 217219

interest accrual, 17171

inventory control system, 7

mass-marketing campaign, 180181

organization of an engineering corporation, 35

sociological systems, 179180

thermal control systems, 219221

Ward-Leonard system, 202203

waste treatment, 181182

Modern Control System Theory and Design Toolbox, 58

retrieving from anonymous FTP server, 58

table of commands used by, 74

Moment of inertia, determination of, 211213

Motor constant, definition of, 208

Motor time constant, 208

Multivariable systems, definition of, 109

Myoelectric control signals, 24

NASA programs:

APOLLO 11, 171172

Challenger, 89, 237239

first untehered walk in, 237239

International Space Station, 811

Lunar Excursion Module, 171172

Shuttle Mission Simulator Motion-based trainer, 9, 12

Viking mission, 265266

Navigation systems, accuracy of, 254, 296


band-pass, 7981

band-rejection, 7981

differentiating, 7981

integrating, 7880

phase-lag, 510512

phase-lag-lead, 513514

phase-lead, 512513

table of transfer functions for, 8081

Newton’s law of motion, 191192

Nichols chart, 398405

compensation and design using, 548551

MATLAB applied to obtain, 403405

maximum value of peaking from, 402404

Node, signal-flow graph, 86


effect of bandwidth on, 532

effect of compensation on, 532, 567569

Nonlinearities, 275277, 296

backlash, 275277, 296

Nonminimum-phase systems, definition of, 364365

Nuclear control systems, 1

nuclear reactor control, 2728

temperature-control sysem of, 577

Numerical methods, Runge-Kutta, 394

Nyquist’s stability criterion, 349362

proof of, 685688

Nyquist’s theorem:

diagram, 349356

obtaining Nyquist diagram using MATLAB, 359362

relationship to Bode diagram, 355, 357359

Observer-canonical form, definition of, 100

Operational amplifiers, 9499

illustrative example of, 98101

table summarizing computing devices, 99

Ordinary points, definition of, 3940

Output equation, definition of, 111

Output node, definition of, 8687

Output vector, definition of, 109

Overdamped control system, definition of, 244


curves of, 248249

definition of, 247

Pacemaker, electronic, 315

Paper color control system, 232234

Parabolic input, 280

Partial fraction expansion, Laplace transform inversion, 56-58

Particular solution, differential equation, 130


definition of, 87

gain of, 87

Peak time, 246

Performance indices, 291, 294295

IAE, 291

ISE, 291

ISTAE, 291

ISTSE, 291

ITAE, 291, 294295

ITSE, 291

Phase-crossover frequency, definition of, 374

Phase-lag network:

Bode-diagram compensation using, 510512

characteristics of, 511

circuit for, 7880

Nichols chart compensation using, 548551

root-locus compensation using, 557567

tradeoffs of using, 567570

Phase-lag-lead network:

characteristics of, 513514

circuit for, 7880

tradeoffs of using, 567570

Phase-lead network:

Bode-diagram compensation using, 530532

characteristics of, 512513

circuit for, 7880

linear-state variable feedback using, 601604

root-locus compensation using, 552555

tradeoffs of using, 567570

Phase margin:

definition of, 355

relation to damping ratio, 357

Phase-shift approximation, straight-line, 544548

Phase-shift scale, 375376

Phase-variable canonical form, 110112

definition of, 111

PD compensators, 515516, 520521

PI compensators, 521522

PID compensators, 520522

Pole-placement design:

using Ackermann’s formula, 611617

using linear-state-variable feedback, 593605


definition of, 42

of order n, 43

second-order, 241

simple, 4243

Police command systems, control of, 33

Position constant:

definition of, 279

relationship to poles and zeros, 283285

Positive feedback systems, root locus of, 434437

Power consumption, considerations of, 295296, 532

Principle of conservation, definition of, 221222

Program CC, description of, 462463


Bode diagram obtained from, 380385


commercially available software, 456, 460463

Ctrl-C, 461462

margins, 375

MATLAB, 5875, 118126, 380385, 437440, 460461

Nichols chart obtained from, 403405

Program CC, 462463

rlaxis, 428

rlpoba, 429

rootangl, 429

root locus obtained using, 437442

rootmag, 429

time response obtained using, 121125, 393398

Prostheses, 2325

Quadratic-phase lag network, Bode diagram of, 369371

Quasilinear control systems, definition of, 206207

Railroad control systems, 1014

automatic control of, 14

high-speed trains, 1014

Linear Express, 12

magnetic levitation used with, 1013

Shinkansen, 1314

Ramp input, 279280

Rate feedback, linear system compensation using, 518520

Reduction of multiloop systems:

block diagram, 8485

signal-flow graph, 8893

Regulator design, linear-state variable-feedback, 620628

Regulex, 202


of hydraulic system, 223

of mechanical system, 223

of thermal system, 223

Rise time, definition of, 289

rlaxis subroutine, Toolbox, 429

rlpoba subroutine, Toolbox, 429

RoboKent, 34


automobile assembly using, 8, 266267, 327328

Ford Motor Company, 8

GMFanuc Robotics Corporation, 266267, 327328

Help-Mate, 8, 10

material transport using, 8, 10

NASA space shuttle using, 9

painting automobiles using, 266267

RoboKent, 34

welding of automobiles using, 327328

Robust control systems, 630636

example illustrating, 632636

Rocket flight, state and output equations for, 114125

Root-locus method, 409454, 549567

angle of departure, 418420

asymptotes for, 413415

compensation and design using, 549567

computer program for obtaining, 443454

dipole, 559

dominant poles from, 555556

examples of, 422431, 549567

Grant’s rule, 420421

MATLAB applid to obtain, 437443

maximization of K(σ) method, 415417

negative feedback construction, 409434

positive feedback construction, 434437

Routh-Hurwitz method applied to, 418

transition method, 417418

rootangl subroutine, Toolbox, 429

rootmag subroutine, Toolbox, 429

Rotorol, 202

Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion, 340344, 418

application to root locus method, 418

Rudder control system, 2930

Runge-Kutta, numerical integration using, 394

Satellite, equations for a spherical, 170

Satellite communications, control of, 33

Second-order control systems, 240261

adaptive, 253254

best damping ratio to use, 252255

characteristics of, 240247

modeling of, 255260

nonlinear, 253254

state-variable signal-flow graph, 248252

step response of, 241247

transient response of, 241247

Sensitivity, 273277, 637649

complementary, 638

definition of, 274

Servomechanism, 5

Servomotor, 206213

Settling time, deifnition of, 289

Shifting theorem, definition of, 55

Shinkansen train system, 1314

Ship control systems, 1

Ship stabilization system, 323324

Ship’s steering system, 2930, 490

illustrative problem on, 304305

Signal-flow graphs, 8695

application problems using, 8995

branches of, 86

definition of, 8687

determinant of the graph for, 88

feedback loops for, 87

loop gain for, 87

Mason’s theorem to reduce, 88

nodes of, 86

path definition of, 87

path gain of, 87

reduction of, 88

relationship to state variables, 116119

sink, definition of, 87

source, definition of, 86

Simulation diagrams, 98101

Simulators, 310311

MV-22A tilt rotor, Hughes Operational Flight Trainer of, 196

NASA Shuttle Mission Simulator Motion-based trainer, 89, 12

UH-60 Black Hawk Flight simulator, 1719

Singularities, definition of, 42

Sink, defintiion of, 87

Size of equipment, considerations of, 295296

Skew-symmetric matrix, definition of, 103

Sociological system model, equations for, 179180

Source, definition of, 86

Space station, International, NASA, 811

Space vehicles:

attitude control of, 1011

Challenger, 89, 237239

International Space Station, 811

Lunar Excursion Module, 171172

reentering earth’s atmosphere, 580581

Viking spacecraft, 265266

Specific heat of water, definition of, 220

Speed control systems, 5, 588

field-controlled dc motor with, 5

turbine, 588

Spring-mass-damper system, 189195


asymptotic, 236, 682684

Bode method for determining, 362398, 525548

bounded input-bounded output, 332

comparison of various methods, 463464

guidelines for use of methods, 463464

Liapunov, 873, 879–896

linear continuous system, 331591

local, 883

Nichols method for determining, 398405

Nyquist method for determining, 349362

Routh-Hurwitz method, 340344, 418, 726–727

stabilization definition, 331335

summary of linear system methods, 463464

State equations, 110112, 121124, 186189

computer soltion of, 121124

derivation of, 110112

electrical networks, 186189

State space, definition of, 108

State of a system, definition of, 108

State transition equation:

definition of, 110

solution of, 135137

State transition matrix, 129135

derivation of, 129130

examples of, 131133

exponential series form for, 137141

properties of, 130

State-variable concept:

advantages of using, 109

companion matrix, definition of, 110111

concept of, 108109

definition of, 108

phase-variable canonical form, 110112

state of a system, 108

state space definition, 108

state vector definition, 108

State-variable diagram, 115118

State-variable signal-flow graph, 116118

State vector:

definition of, 102

norm of, 336

Static accuracy, 277288

Steady-state error, 277288

constants, 279280

from Bode diagram, 534536

Step function, unit, 5152

Strategic missile submarines, USS Tennessee, SSBN-734, 2022

Strategic systems, command/control/communication, 33


depth control system for, 22, 176, 480, 493

diving and control function for, 254

Subroutines from Modern Control System Theory and Design Toolbox:

margins, 375

rlaxis, 428

rlpoba, 429

rootangl, 429

rootmag, 429

wpmp, 402

Superposition, definition of, 801

Surface-effect ships, 2223

Symmetric matrix, definition of, 103


aceleration constant and error, 280

Bode-diagram program listings, 382383, 385, 386393

compensation methods comparison, 568569

conversion factors in going from the International System to the English set of units, 194

ITAE form for zero ramp error, 295

ITAE form for zero step error, 295

Laplace transform, 53, 1023–1024

MATLAB commands and functions, 7273

MATLAB program listings for:

Bode diagram obtained using, 382383, 385

describing function, 836–837

Laplace transform inversion, 7375

Nichols chart obtained using, 406

Nyquist diagram obtained using, 350, 362

root locus method obtained using, 439, 441

transformation from state-space to transfer function form, 121

transformation from transfer function to state-space form, 120

transient response of systems, 127

Modern Control System Theory and Design Toolbox, commands used by, 7273

mechanical rotation symbols, 194

mechanical translation symbols, 190

network transfer functions, 8081

operational amplifier computing devices, 99

position constant and error, 279

root-locus program listing, 450453

steady-state constants summary, 281

time-response program listing, 124

transfer function of networks, 8081

velocity constant and error, 280

Tank-level control system, 24, 32, 488489

Taylor series expansion, 207

Television camera control system, 320321

Temperature control system, 7, 27, 30

electric oven, 112

nuclear power plant, 577

xylene chemical process, 587

Thermal capacitance, 223

Thermal control systems, 7, 27, 30

transfer function of, 219221

Thermal-electrical analogies, 224

Thermal resistance, 223

Tilt rotor aircraft, 1617

Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey military tilt rotor, 1617

Bell Boeing 609 commercial tilt rotor, 17

Time delay factor, 371372, 431434

Bode diagram of, 371372

root locus of, 431434

Time-domain response:

program for obtaining, 121124, 393398

relationship to frequency domain, 405408

Time to the first peak:

definition of, 246

root-locus deermination of, 556

Time-invariant state equation, solution of, 135137

Time response:

recurrence equation for, 121124

recurrence equation sampling for, 122

Time-varying state equation, solution of, 111112

Toolbox subroutines, Modern Control System Theory and Design, see Subroutines for Modern Control system Theory and Design Toolbox

Torpedo, control system for, 174175

Torque constant, definition of, 200

Torque-speed curves, 207

Tracking, manual, 500501

Traffic control system, ground, 33

Train control system, high speed, 1014

Trainers, control system for, 310311

aircraft, 533

NASA Shuttle Mission Simulator Motion-based trainer, 89, 12

UH-60 Black Hawk Flight Simulator, 1719

Transfer-function concept:

armature-controlled dc motor, 198202

block diagram transformations, 8384

dc generator, 197198

definition of, 7778

field-controlled dc servomotor, 203206

for common networks, 7881

for systems, 8286

hydraulic motor and pump, 214217

hydraulic valve-controlled motor, 217219

table of transfer functions, 8081

thermal systems, 219221

two-phase ac servomotor, 206213

Ward-Leonard system, 202203

Transformation between:

state-space to transfer function form, 120121

transfer function to state-space form, 119120

Transient response, 240247, 288290, 555557

determination from root locus, 555557

second-order systems, 240247

Transition matrix, 129135

derivation of, 129130

examples of, 131133

exponential series form for, 137141

properties of, 130

state, 129135

Transition from real axis method, root locus, 417418

method use of, 424

Transitions Research Corporation, 10, 34

Transportation systems:

air, 1420, 172173, 500, 589591

automobile, 35

hydrofoils, 1, 2223, 578579

rail, 1014

space, 811, 171172, 237239, 271272, 580581

surface-effect ships, 2223

underwater, 22, 176, 254, 176, 480, 493

Transpose of a matrix, definition of, 103

Turbine speed-control system, 588

Two-phase ac servomotor, 206213

illustrative problem of, 224226

nonlinear characteristics of, 206207

state-variable representation of, 209

transfer function of, 208

with gear reducers, 209213

Undamped natural frequency, definition of, 241

Underdamped control system, definition of, 245

Unit step function, 5152

Van der Pol equation:

definition of, 171

Vector, state, 102

Velocity constant:

definition of, 279

determination from Bode diagram, 534536

relationship to poles and zeros, 283285

Velocity error, 279

Viking Mission, 265266

Ward-Leonard system, 202203

with armature-current feedback, 230

Warehousing, automatic, 314

Waste-treatment control system, equations for, 181182

Weight considerations, 295296

Wind-shear detection system, 1415

wpmp subroutine, Toolbox, 402

Zero-error systems, definition of, 292293

Zero-input stable, definition of, 332

Zero matrix, definition of, 104

Zeros, definition of, 43

Zero steady-state ramp error, definition of, 279

Zero steady-state step error, definition of, 279

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