Chapter 6. Importing to a Professional Game Application: Unity 3D

Maybe you were skeptical when you first looked through this book. "Will I really get to create a game level from scratch in SketchUp and get to walk around in it? Or, will I be left frustrated like I have been with other software?" Now it's time to deliver on promises. You are about to take the level you've made and insert it into a game application you can control. There's going to be no arcane wizardry you can't understand. No code. No sending you off to this or that website to work something out yourself. No sir. This is the real deal. You're about to start walking around your level, as if it were part of a real game.

No, that's not right! It is a real game!

In this chapter, you will:

  • Export your terrain from SketchUp
  • Import into Unity 3D and attach a high-resolution terrain texture
  • Add collision detection
  • Set up a first person shooter style controller
  • Add lights and sun
  • Walk around to admire your handiwork!

This chapter is the bridge between you as an asset and level artist in SketchUp, and the rest of the game creation process in Unity 3D. As mentioned before, Unity 3D is a game development environment with a game engine on which you can run games, then export them to different platforms, such as the Web, mobile, console, PC, and Mac. Once your level and assets are within Unity 3D, you can go on to create complete games with them.

Though you might not even need to do that.

What you get in this book is a fully explorable level that can be immediately exported and played on any computer or over the Web. For a lot of applications (real estate, for example) this is the end result you're after. Also, if you're producing a portfolio for a game or other media company, it's all you need. Game asset artists wouldn't be expected to be game coders or level designers too. It's perhaps better to stick to your role and do it well.

Exporting the level from SketchUp

So, where are we at? You produced a level plate (textured terrain) in the last chapter. You can use this, or go for the one I've included in the download pack labeled Chapter5_Terrain_Textured.skp. If you want to skip the export stage, I've also included a FBX file, which will import straight into Unity.


You might have already installed Unity from Chapter 2, Tools that Grow on Trees. If you haven't, now's the time to do it!

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