Time for action - creating a backdrop

  1. Back in SketchUp, create a large square centered in the terrain but much bigger than the terrain.
  2. Push/Pull it upwards as you can see next. Delete the top face. Push/Pull the bottom face so that it sits below the terrain.
    Time for action - creating a backdrop
  3. Reverse the face so that the white (front) face is towards the inside.
  4. Import the background image as a texture, and click on the bottom left corner of one of the sides. Then, click on the other edge as you can see in the previous image.
  5. Sample the texture and paste on all three other faces.
  6. Find an interesting large scale texture and past it onto the bottom face.
  7. Select all four top edges and move them up or down to get the full height of the image in.
  8. You might have something like this. Save it and export to Unity:
    Time for action - creating a backdrop


    Trees and foliage are usually created within the game development environment, and Unity is no exception. Read all about the Unity Tree creator at http://unity3d.com/support/documentation/Components/class-Tree.html.

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