
Yes, you've gone and done it now. Game design addiction awaits. In this chapter, you figured out how to:

  • Export from SketchUp and Import into Unity 3D, a full featured professional game development environment.
  • Reattach your high resolution texture.
  • Scale and move objects in Unity.
  • Find your way around the Unity interface.
  • Create lights: sunshine and indoor.
  • Control light parameters: Range, Color and Intensity.
  • Duplicate and manipulate assets.
  • Publish your game to the Web.
  • Walk (and jump) around your terrain!

If I were you, I would now take a deep breath, put my coat on and go for a walk. You need some time to think about what you're going to do with this amazing new skill set. I'm not just exaggerating here. The ability to easily publish 3D environments anywhere, to be used by anyone, and to explore them in real time, is only just now becoming a mainstream reality. You're now at the forefront of it. Make the most of that.

When you get back it's time to get down to some hard work. Playtime's over, and it's high time you filled your level with some realistic assets. In the next chapters, you will learn how to create standard assets such as buildings, trees, vehicles... and rusty dilapidated fencing.

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