Time for action - obtaining Unity 3D for free

  1. Go to http://unity3d.com/unity/download/.
  2. Click on the Download Unity Now link and follow the instructions.
  3. While you're downloading you will be presented with a page with more information on it. Click on the Documentation link.
    Time for action - obtaining Unity 3D for free
  4. Come back to this page when you have time and browse all the learning material available.
  5. When you've downloaded Unity, install and run it.
  6. Click on Register when requested to do so.
  7. Select Internet Activation (you will need to be connected to the Internet)
    Time for action - obtaining Unity 3D for free
  8. Enter your e-mail details.
  9. Click on the Free license button.
  10. Go back to your installation and click on Finish.
  11. When you open Unity for the first time it should start importing the assets from the Bootcamp demo project.
  12. When it's all done, go to File ¦ Build & Run.
  13. Select PC and Mac Standalone (see next screenshot).
  14. Select Target Platform (Windows or Mac).
    Time for action - obtaining Unity 3D for free
  15. Click on Build & Run and enter a filename like MyBootcamp. Note the location where the file is being saved on your computer.
  16. You're now going to test this example game level. Change your settings (shown below) to ensure it will work with your computer and graphics card.
    Time for action - obtaining Unity 3D for free
  17. Click on Play!
  18. Use the arrow keys to move and the mouse to look around.
    Time for action - obtaining Unity 3D for free
  19. When you're done playing around, hit escape and then click on the X at the top right-hand side of the window.
  20. Now save the project by going to File ¦ Save Project.

What just happened?

You're now all set with an industry-respected game engine to test your assets and game levels. This software, combined with Google SketchUp, could ease you into a career in games design as a level designer or game asset artist.


To see the difference between Unity and Unity Pro licenses, go to http://unity3d.com/unity/licenses.

Have a go hero - investigating the Unity sample assets

Now it's your turn to really begin focusing in on what assets are, what they're made from, and how they can be used effectively in game levels. Find the Bootcamp demo folder on your computer (you noted where it was when you typed in the MyBootcamp filename) and double-click on the game you compiled and played just now. You can keep returning to this to study how the Unity teams have put their level together, without having to compile and run from within Unity each time. From within the game, hit Escape. Go to Graphics and change Graphics Quality to Fantastic. Do you notice the difference compared to before?

Have a go hero - investigating the Unity sample assets

Use the arrow keys to walk over to each asset. Use your mouse to orbit around and get a close-up look all the way around each asset you find. Now answer these questions:

  • How would I go about modeling this asset?
  • Is it made up of flat or solid geometry?
  • If solid, how many faces (polygons) does it have?
  • If flat, is it crisp or fuzzy up close?
  • Does the whole asset have separate component parts?
  • How detailed is it really when you look up close?
  • Is the effect better when you see it from a distance?
    Have a go hero - investigating the Unity sample assets

As with any discipline, the more thoroughly you investigate what's already been done before, the better you will be at creating your own.

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