Have a go hero - selecting and texturing

Now it's your turn. Open up a texture in GIMP. Work out roughly how large this texture would be in real life. Take 20 pixels per meter and resize the image to the correct number of pixels. Use the quick tile filter as you've learned, use some color or contrast adjustments if you want, and create a selection mask. Easy as that!


Multiple selections

You can make multiple selections with the Fuzzy Select Tool by holding the Ctrl (or Cmd on Mac) key.

You can use the final image shown earlier in the chapter to check what goes where. Remember, this doesn't have to be perfect at this stage. It's about learning. In addition, any of your textures can easily be replaced later if you wish to by pasting into the layer you created. Working this way gives you a template in GIMP that you can keep coming back to whenever you wish to make a visual change in your game level.


Naming layers

Naming your layers as you create them saves a lot of frustration later. You will be able to see instantly which layer you need, even if you have tens of layers that all look the same.

Some nifty texture tweaks

The beautiful thing about texturing in this way is that all the textures are available at any location in the map. The only thing controlling where they're visible is the masks you created. Unmasking any area will allow the texture to shine through.

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