Time for action - enabling a skybox

Now we want to make the environment a little more real. Unity comes with a few Skyboxes that you can use straight out of the box. A Skybox is like being inside an upturned box with a sky painted on the inside. Crude but effective! Here's how to get one set up:

  1. Go to Edit ¦ Render settings. The following pallet appears.
    Time for action - enabling a skybox
  2. Select the dot next to the Skybox Material. A material selection pallet appears.
    Time for action - enabling a skybox
  3. Type in skybox and select one of the thumbnails. Check whether the text at the bottom shows Assets/Standard Assets/Skybox, which is where the bundled Skyboxes are kept.
  4. Now just close the pallet. Your sky appears next time you press Play in the Game tab.
    Time for action - enabling a skybox

Have a go hero - fog

If you chose one of the murkier skyboxes, you might also wish to introduce some fog to set off the atmosphere. This is accessed from the Render settings pallet. Enter a Fog Density, Linear Fog Start, and Linear Fog End. I suggest you just experiment with this.

Have a go hero - fog
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