Time for action - removing white edges

Selecting areas with the Fuzzy Select tool is not a fine art. You will have been left with some white edges between areas of texture.

  1. In GIMP, select the Cobbles layer in the Layer pallet. Right-click and select Mask to Selection.
  2. Go to Select ¦ Grow and input 1 into the box, and then click on OK.
  3. Make sure your Layer Mask is selected. Go to the Bucket Fill tool.
  4. Select the Fill Whole Selection button as shown in the following screenshot, and click in the selected area.
    Time for action - removing white edges

What just happened?

You expanded your selection area by a single pixel and then modified the layer mask to include the new selection area. This meant that any white lines at the edges of the cobbled areas were removed. You can repeat this now for any other affected areas.

What just happened?

Your layer stack should now look a bit like this. The way you have it set up means that you can make changes any time without destroying any other part of the image. Using layers means you're completely safe to experiment. If you don't like the result of something, drag the layer to the trash can. Simple as that!

What just happened?


You can get this GIMP file from the download pack called Chapter5stage01.xcf.

The rest of the feeling of depth will be created with actual depth, modeling the terrain itself. This is probably the most fun part of the whole modeling process, so let's leave texturing for now and craft some landscapes! Save a copy of your map texture by going to File ¦Save a Copy and overwrite the MapMaster.png you created earlier. Now, save your GIMP project and get out of there. It's high time we got back to working within SketchUp!

Modeling terrain with Sandbox tools

Back in SketchUp, you can now start to create the actual terrain that will be imported into your game. The texture is a flat object. You will now alter the height of the terrain to create slopes, walls, and hills, as they would be in real life.


You can use the file named Chapter5_Level_Part01.skp from the download pack for this exercise.

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