Migrating events

To migrate events, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Migration start date: This will tell the system how far back it should go during the event's import process. It can be the Past month, 3 months, 6 months or 1 year:

Alternatively, you can select since a Custom date, as shown in the following screenshot:

  1. Migration options: This gives you the option to also migrate secondary calendar events together with the main calendar:

  1. User Mapping: Enable this for migrating multiple accounts. This allows you to provide a CSV file with a list of addresses, using the new address as the first, the old one as the second, and an optional third parameter for the password on the old account, which is needed, unless you are migrating from Gmail, Microsoft Exchange, or Microsoft Office 365:

Up until now, we have focused on using the G Suite administrator's home page, but G Suite also provides specialized migration tools that can help us with certain cases. We'll learn more about this in the next section.

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