Getting Started with Google Sites

The Information Age is changing the way we live, work, and do business. The rising expectations to be considered competitive on a global market requires professionals and organizations to use more sophisticated marketing tools.

Having a website is becoming a basic necessity in today's market. Websites give professionals and corporations online presence and act as the bridge between customers and businesses.

Google Sites offers a very intuitive way to create websites. Adding elements—such as pictures or videos—requires only a few clicks, and they can be rearranged by simply dragging them. If you have created a presentation before with Google Slides, you will find that creating a website is not very different from this.

Google Sites also includes the same real-time collaboration features that you have in Google Drive tools, such as Docs, Slides, and Sheets. This makes creating and maintaining a website much easier and cheaper, especially since collaborators don't require programming skills.

All the components are designed to be responsive by default, so you don't need to worry about creating special designs for each kind of device.

To make things better, Sites comes with a very easy and powerful tool that allows you to preview an emulated version of your site on mobile, tablet, and large-screen devices with a single click.

In this chapter, you will learn about the following topics:

  • Creating a new site
  • Adding content to a site
  • Adding pages and navigation to a site
  • Publishing a site
  • Assigning a custom URL to a site
  • Integrating sites and documents
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