Trusted Apps

As an administrator, you can whitelist applications that are allowed to be used within the organization by adding them to this list.

Trusted versus installed apps:
The trusted apps report will show the applications that users can install in this domain.
The installed apps report will show the applications that users in this domain has installed.

In this section, we will learn how to whitelist the applications that are authorized to integrate with this domain. The TRUSTED apps list looks as follows:

To add a new trusted app, follow these steps:

  1. Select App Type:
    • Web Application, Android, or iOS
  2. Select the app you wish to whitelist:
    • For web applications, type the OAuth2 Client ID, and then click ADD
    • For iOS and Android apps, just type the name of the app you are looking for and then follow these steps:
      1. Click Search
      2. Select the app
      3. Click ADD

By carefully setting API permissions, you can validate and control the data that's accessible by external applications that integrate with G Suite.

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