
Congratulations on finishing another chapter! You have just learned how to prepare the domain to comply with legal requirements while facing or performing an investigation.

You are now capable of setting the default retention rules on this domain to define the minimum data retention period for the different G Suite components.

In this chapter, you also learned how to make Vault keep an eye out for messages or documents that match specific criteria, and apply a custom retention rule so that these records are kept for a longer period of time than others, or kept indefinitely. 

We learned how to implement matters to group all the information that might be relevant to an investigation and how to use them to apply data holds to guarantee that those records will be kept for as long as necessary.

You now know how to search through the information that's held within a matter to find Drive documents, Mail, Group, or Hangouts Chat messages, as well as saving, sharing, and exporting the result of an investigation.

Now that you know how to prepare and perform internal investigations using Google Vault, it's time to continue to the next chapter and learn how to set up the security center.

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