Defining Drive retention rules

One big advantage of using Google Drive within an organization is the ability to track everything that happens to a file. You can create a retention rule to target potential legal issues like a team that works with prototypes, an entire organization, or a user that has sensitive information, and so on.

To add a custom Drive retention rule, follow these steps:

  1. Define the Entity you wish to apply the rule to, as follows:

    • Select Organizational Unit to target all members of a domain, or an organization unit within it
    • Select All Team Drives to keep files that are shared across entire teams
    • Select Specific Team Drives to target only a team with particular specifics by following these steps:

      1. Click Find Team Drives, as shown here:

      1. Write the name of a user that belongs to the Team Drive you wish to target. The system provides a quick search feature to make this easier:

      1. Click Next.
      2. Write the name of the Team Drive you are going to target. The system also provides an autocomplete feature to facilitate finding the name:

      1. Click Done to add the Team Drive as the target for this rule:

  1. Set the Duration for this rule; I recommend using Indefinitely and changing it later, but only if necessary. This is the number of days that the system will wait before taking action after a file is CreatedLast modified, or Moved to trash:

Define the Action after expiration if you choose a specific number of days, as follows:

    • Expunge just the files that users have already deleted will only remove files that have been there more than the days defined by this rule and that have also been deleted by the user. This is recommended to avoid unwanted data loss.
    • Expunge all files will remove everything that is older than the specified days. Avoid when possible, since it can be frustrating for users, and might lead to unwanted data loss.
  1. Click SAVE.

You can confirm the settings of your new rule by taking a look at the Custom retention rules table, as shown in the following screenshot:

By carefully setting up Drive custom retention rules, you can be sure the system will keep the information that's required to deal with legal issues related to files. Let's continue to the next section to learn how to create Groups retention rules.

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