Defining Hangouts Meet default retention rules

Hangouts Meet offers a video conference solution that is easy to use, highly reliable, and offers advanced functionalities. It also offers integration with Calendar, so that it can be the location or an alternative for a meeting, and Drive, so that users can share files and collaborate on documents in real time.

Important things are usually said during recorded meetings, and administrators can keep a record of this meeting so that users can review it later. Keep in mind that users must manually start the recording of a meeting.

To configure retention rules for Hangouts Meet, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Hangouts Meet tab.
  2. Enable Set a default retention rule for Hangouts Meet.
  3. Set the Duration to one of the following options:
    • Indefinitely: This will keep the messages for as long as the account exists. I recommend using this option.
    • N days from when the file was created or last modified: This will keep the messages for the amount of days set here. You can specify a period of up to 36500 days (100 years). If you set a limit, then you must also set the Action after expiration, as follows:
      • Expunge deleted files: This will erase the messages that the user has already deleted
      • Expunge all files: This will erase all messages that are older than the retention period

  1. Click Save.
  2. If you set a retention limit, you will be asked to confirm that you understand the consequences. Please read and confirm each.

Congratulations—you have just finished setting up all the default retention rules. Now, your company is better protected against legal problems related to information within G Suite.

In some cases, you might need to set up custom retention rules that apply to special conditions. In the next section, you will learn how to set them up.

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