Sending emails to groups

Groups are mailing lists that facilitate communication within your business. You can set groups to talk about specific subjects, such as team objectives or results, form teams, or even handle inbound emails from clients since every group has its own dedicated email address so that people can write to that address and be sure the message will be routed to the right people.

When a message arrives at a group address, it will be forwarded to all its members who will see it in their inbox as a message coming from that group.

To create a new group, go to the administrator's home page:

  1. Click Groups
  2. Click Create a Group
  3. Choose:
    • A Name for the group.
    • A Group email address.
    • A Description of the purpose of this group.
    • An Access level:
      • Public: Use this option to allow the entire team to subscribe, view members, and post and read content. Despite the name, this group remains private within the domain.
      • Team: With this option, only managers can subscribe members to this group, but anyone can view members, and post and read content. With this access level, you can also select whether you wish to allow anyone to post to this message group by writing an email to the address; even people outside your team.
      • Announcement-only: This will restrict posting to, and viewing of, the members' list to administrators. The entire team can subscribe and read content.
      • Restricted: With this level, only managers can subscribe members and only members can post and read content.
    • The last option will enable all members of your team to be added automatically to this group.
  4. Click Create.

That's it! Now your team can start using this group and you can also add it to your routing and security rules.

You can easily create a customer support address by creating a Group called Support, giving it an access level of Team, and selecting Also allow anyone on the internet to post messages . Then, you can add all the people within the company that will help with customer support to this group. For example, all emails written to [email protected] will be received by all the members of the Support group.
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