Objectionable content

The next general setting is Objectionable content, where you can configure filters using lists of suspicious words, such as confidential, prototype, and secret. To create a new rule, hover over this section and click CONFIGURE:

  1. The first step is to write the usual short description for this new rule and then select whether you wish to target InboundOutboundInternal - sending or Internal - receiving messages:

  1. In the second field, click ADD to write a word or words you wish to target. You can separate them simply by using spaces, and after you click SAVE; they will be stored separately. If you hover over any word on the list, you will see the options to Edit or Delete that word:

  1. In the third field, you can define what should happen when this rule is applied:
    • The first option will allow you to Modify message and select the changes you wish to apply:


  • Headers: Change the headers.
  • Subject: Prepend a custom subject
  • Route: Change the route
  • Envelope recipient: Change the envelope recipient
  • Spam: Bypass spam filters
  • Attachments: Remove attachments
  • Also deliver to: Send a copy to an address such as a security compliance group
  • Encryption (onward delivery only): Require the use of secure transport layer encryption.
  1. You can also choose to route the message directly to one of the quarantines:

  1. Alternatively, you can just reject the message and optionally send a custom rejection notice for this rule:

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