Aggregate Reports

Aggregate Reports for Google+ provide a convenient set of charts that will help you analyze various trends in your communities:

  • Active Users: This will give you a timeline of users with filters for 1-Day, 7-Day, and 30-Day user activity:

  • New Users: Here you can see a timeline of the new users in Google+ for your domain.
  • Communities: This is a timeline with the following metrics:

    • Total: This is the total number of communities for this domain
    • Public: Anyone can join, even outside the organization
    • Private: Members can only join by invitation
    • Organization Wide: Anyone in the organization can join
    • Private Within Organization: Only invited members of your organization can join
  • Collections: This is a timeline with the total number of collections that were registered each day.
  • New Posts: This is a timeline with the number of new posts that were published each day. This tells you how many new topics are being generated.
  • New Comments: This is a timeline with the total number of new comments posted each day. With this, you can see how much your users are engaging in conversations. It's a good practice to strike a balance between new posts and comments in your communities.
  • New +1s: A timeline with the number of +1s that users used each day. High numbers usually mean something interesting happened.
  • Posts Viewed: This timeline shows how many views the posts are getting; ideally, this number should keep a relatively steady rate of growth.
  • Posts Reshared: This timeline will tell you how many posts are being reshared. It's a good idea to keep an eye on the balance between posts viewed, reshared, and those that got a +1, since this will tell you how much interest the users are showing.
  • Video Hangouts: In this timeline, you can keep track of how many video Hangouts meetings happened per day.

With these reports, you can keep track of your social networks and easily spot trends so you can identify what makes your team and your clients excited.

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