
Book Description

Polygonal modeling is the process of creating objects in a 3D environment. It is the foundation for the creation of all 3D graphics and the essential building block of a career in computer graphics. Polygonal Modeling: Basic and Advanced Techniques provides in-depth coverage of polygonal modeling, including practical lessons on topology construction, a focus on the fundamentals of subdivision workflow, and a discussion of the technical aspects of modeling organic and inorganic objects. The book includes illustrated quick start modeling guides to 3ds max and Maya. Explore and evaluate a variety of subdivision techniques. Learn about polygonal objects and their most common properties. Discover how to use the tools and operations found in major 3D packages for polygonal modeling. Follow along with the step-by-step illustrated exercises that demonstrate the process of character modeling.

Table of Contents

  1. Book Cover
  2. Title
  3. Copyright
  4. Contents (1/2)
  5. Contents (2/2)
  6. Introduction
  7. Chapter 1 Polygonal System Basics
    1. Customization
    2. Layouts
    3. 3D Polygonal Surface
    4. Space
    5. Axis
    6. Polygonal Structure
    7. Polygonal Attributes
      1. Name
      2. Display
    8. Selecting
    9. Colors and Shading
    10. Normals
    11. Polygonal Creation
    12. Operational Tools
      1. Extrusion
      2. Lathe
      3. Loft
    13. Distribution Over a Surface
    14. Boolean Operations
    15. Pass-Through Mode
    16. Global Deformations
      1. Lattice
      2. Twist
      3. Bend
    17. Polygon Reduction
    18. Organizational Tools
      1. Hide and Freeze
      2. Layers
    19. Conclusion
  8. Chapter 2 Polygon Operations
    1. Cutting Polygons
    2. Extruding
    3. Chamfer/Bevel
    4. Attach and Detach
    5. Welding
    6. Duplicate and Mirror
    7. Pivot Point
    8. Holes
      1. Smoothing a Mesh with a Hole
    9. Soft Selection
    10. Mesh Errors
  9. Chapter 3 Polygon Subdivision
    1. Polygon Subdivision Theory
      1. Chaikin’s Algorithms for Curves (1974)
      2. Doo-Sabin Surfaces (1978)
      3. Catmull-Clark Subdivision (1978)
      4. Loop Subdivision (1987)
      5. Butterfly Subdivision (1990)
      6. Kobbelt Subdivision (1996)
    2. Continuity
    3. Subdivision and Wire Tension
    4. Starting from a Primitive
    5. Giving It the Shape You Want
      1. Edge Flow
      2. Edge Loop
    6. Subdivision and Iterations
    7. Inorganic Modeling
      1. Soft Edges
      2. Bump
      3. Circular Depression
      4. Cracks
      5. Body Cracks
      6. Thickness
      7. Holes in Curved Surfaces
    8. Advanced Techniques
      1. Unmatched Vertices
      2. 90 Degree Cut
    9. How to Fix Boolean before Subdivision
  10. Chapter 4 Visual References
    1. Why We Need References
    2. How to Create References
      1. Projecting Complex Forms
    3. Additional References
    4. Blocking
  11. Chapter 5 Human Project: Male Head
    1. The Head
    2. The Male Head Shape (1/2)
    3. The Male Head Shape (2/2)
    4. The Ear (1/2)
    5. The Ear (2/2)
    6. Final Words about the Male Head
  12. Chapter 6 Human Project: Male Body
    1. Torso and Limbs
    2. Hands (1/3)
    3. Hands (2/3)
    4. Hands (3/3)
    5. The Foot
    6. Putting It All Together (1/3)
    7. Putting It All Together (2/3)
    8. Putting It All Together (3/3)
  13. Chapter 7 Human Project: Female Head
    1. The Female Head Shape
    2. The Ear (1/2)
    3. The Ear (2/2)
  14. Chapter 8 Human Project: Female Body
    1. Torso and Limbs
    2. The Hand (1/2)
    3. The Hand (2/2)
    4. The Foot
    5. Putting It All Together (1/2)
    6. Putting It All Together (2/2)
  15. Chapter 9 Human Project: Anatomy Details
    1. Teeth
    2. The Eye
      1. Cartoon Eyeball Modeling
      2. Realistic Eyeball Modeling
    3. The Eyelashes
  16. Chapter 10 Ogre Head
    1. Creating an Ogre Head
    2. Introduction to Displacement (1/2)
    3. Introduction to Displacement (2/2)
  17. Chapter 11 Introduction to ZBrush
    1. What ZBrush Is
    2. Working on the ZBrush Canvas
    3. Importing
    4. General Manipulation Tools
      1. Move
      2. Scale
      3. Zadd
      4. Zsub
      5. Focal Shift
      6. Geometry Subdivision
      7. Hide/Unhide
      8. Mask
    5. Basic Transform Tools
      1. Standard (Std)
      2. Standard Dot (StdDot)
      3. Inflat
      4. InflatDot
      5. Nudge
      6. Morph
      7. Layer
      8. Pinch
      9. Smooth
      10. Edit Curve
      11. Symmetry
    6. Projection Master
      1. 2D and 2.5D Tools to Use with Projection Master
    7. UV and Displacement Map Settings
      1. Grabbing and Exporting Displacement Maps
    8. Modeling with ZSpheres
    9. MultiMarkers
    10. Unified Skin
    11. New in ZBrush 3
      1. Brushes
      2. LazyMouse
      3. SubTool
      4. HD Geometry
      5. Posing/Moving/Rotating/Scaling
      6. Mesh Extraction
      7. Topology
    12. ZBrush Sculpting Workflow
    13. Useful Links for ZBrush
    14. Shortcuts to Remember
  18. Chapter 12 Cartoon Modeling
    1. Subdivision Applied to Cartoon Modeling
    2. Exercise: Cartoon Head 1 (1/3)
    3. Exercise: Cartoon Head 1 (2/3)
    4. Exercise: Cartoon Head 1 (3/3)
    5. Exercise: Cartoon Body 1
    6. Exercise: Cartoon Hand 1
    7. Exercise: Cartoon Head 2 (1/2)
    8. Exercise: Cartoon Head 2 (2/2)
    9. Exercise: Cartoon Body 2 (1/3)
    10. Exercise: Cartoon Body 2 (2/3)
    11. Exercise: Cartoon Body 2 (3/3)
  19. Chapter 13 Modeling for Games
    1. Triangle Strips and Gouraud Shading
      1. The Triangles Determine the Shading
    2. Continuity for Games
    3. Why Automatic Reduction Doesn’t Work
    4. Mesh Resolution
    5. Controlling the Poly Count
    6. General Tips
      1. Limbs
      2. Folds
      3. Objects Floating along a Surface
      4. Holes on the Mesh
      5. Objects
      6. Levels
      7. Final Tips
    7. Conclusion
  20. Appendix A: 3ds Max Polygonal Modeling Quick Start Guide (1/6)
  21. Appendix A: 3ds Max Polygonal Modeling Quick Start Guide (2/6)
  22. Appendix A: 3ds Max Polygonal Modeling Quick Start Guide (3/6)
  23. Appendix A: 3ds Max Polygonal Modeling Quick Start Guide (4/6)
  24. Appendix A: 3ds Max Polygonal Modeling Quick Start Guide (5/6)
  25. Appendix A: 3ds Max Polygonal Modeling Quick Start Guide (6/6)
  26. Appendix B: Maya Polygonal Modeling Quick Start Guide (1/5)
  27. Appendix B: Maya Polygonal Modeling Quick Start Guide (2/5)
  28. Appendix B: Maya Polygonal Modeling Quick Start Guide (3/5)
  29. Appendix B: Maya Polygonal Modeling Quick Start Guide (4/5)
  30. Appendix B: Maya Polygonal Modeling Quick Start Guide (5/5)
  31. Glossary (1/4)
  32. Glossary (2/4)
  33. Glossary (3/4)
  34. Glossary (4/4)
  35. Bibliography
  36. Index