The Foot
In this foot modeling exercise we discuss techniques for creating a
basic foot shape for a shoe, boot, and so on. The foot modeled here
does not have toes; those are modeled in Chapter 8.
We start with an eight-sided cylinder and push the three front
vertices forward.
Cut the marked edges and reshape the vertices generated to fit the
reference. Notice in the perspective view that we’ve matched the
shape only from the side perspective. Adjust this by scaling the
back vertices a little.
Then we can cut some more edges to reduce the tension of the big
stretched polygons at the front of the foot.
Chapter 6 – Human Project: Male Body
Figure 6-68
Figure 6-69
We then cut near the medium malleolus to add some necessary base
lines. Notice that as we cut this area, the original eight-sided cylin-
der will no longer be eight-sided. This is okay because the leg will
allow us to continue this flow.
We continue adding more edges to improve the control cage.
Chapter 6 – Human Project: Male Body
Figure 6-71
Figure 6-72
Figure 6-70
Now the foot is taking better shape as shown in shaded mode and
wire mesh.
The view from the bottom of the foot reveals we have done almost
nothing there.
We need to cut the sole to make the tension more natural and self
Chapter 6 – Human Project: Male Body
Figure 6-74
Figure 6-75
Figure 6-73
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