We need to continue the discontinued edges to avoid unnecessary
tension in certain areas, so we cut the edges marked below.
Make some more cuts.
Chapter 12 – Cartoon Modeling
Figure 12-100
Figure 12-101
Figure 12-102
Cut the marked edges for a cartoon hand that has a bit more detail.
With the hand finished, we can move on to attach the hand to the
arm and take care to remove all the triangulation in the wrist area.
When we’re finished with the welding process, we can continue cut-
ting to avoid discontinued edges on the arm.
Chapter 12 – Cartoon Modeling
Figure 12-103
Figure 12-104
Figure 12-105
This process increases the number of edges, which require more
attention to the tension as they often generate sharpness when you
should have round limbs. So be careful and check out the subdivided
version from time to time.
Figure 12-107 shows the body with hands attached. Now we can
start modeling the foot. We start with an eight-segment sphere and
squash it a little bit (below, right).
Remove the back polygons as shown at the left, select the border
edges, and extrude forward until you reach the heel area (center).
Then cap the hole.
Chapter 12 – Cartoon Modeling
Figure 12-106
Figure 12-107
Cut the marked area to avoid the tension that the n-gon will
From the top view we start cutting based on the scheme discussed
in Chapter 3.
Chapter 12 – Cartoon Modeling
Figure 12-108
Figure 12-109
Figure 12-110
Select and delete the marked polygons.
Then merge the foot and the leg using the same process we used to
attach and weld the limbs previously, and make a few extra cuts.
Now try to remove all the triangles and keep everything as much
quad as possible, as this is an important deformation area.
Chapter 12 – Cartoon Modeling
Figure 12-111
Figure 12-112
Figure 12-113
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