Chapter 9
Human Project:
Anatomy Details
This chapter describes the process of modeling details of the human
body that are not unique to the male or female figure. Here we
cover polygonal modeling for teeth, eyes, and eyelashes.
To model the teeth we use box modeling and the reference sheets
shown in Figures 9-1 and 9-2.
Figure 9-1: Reference for teeth.
Figure 9-2: Reference for inner mouth.
We start by creating a box primitive, scaling down the top area, and
placing the box to match our sheet.
As we can see, after a few subdivision levels, the teeth conform
perfectly to the shape of the reference. From the top view we curve
the surface a bit.
The next step is to duplicate the first tooth and place it according to
the front view of the reference sheet.
Chapter 9 – Human Project: Anatomy Details
Figure 9-3
Figure 9-4
From the side view it looks correct. We now have half of the upper
teeth. Remember that when working with symmetrical objects we
can model half and mirror the objects, which saves a lot of repetitive
We can tweak the shape of the back teeth later. Now we’ll use box
modeling to create the gums.
Chapter 9 – Human Project: Anatomy Details
Figure 9-5
Figure 9-6
Figure 9-7
Start with a box, reshaping it based on our gum reference, and start
extruding the marked polygon.
Remember to watch the rotation of the extruded polygon as it fits
into the reference curvature of the gum.
From inside it will look something similar to the image on the left in
Figure 9-10. Now it’s time to add more edges for more precise mod-
eling and to hold tension near the teeth.
Chapter 9 – Human Project: Anatomy Details
Figure 9-8
Figure 9-9
Figure 9-10
With the edges added, we can pull back the vertices so the gums jut
out over the teeth a little bit.
With the base shape of the gum finished, we start cutting in areas
where the edges aren’t enough to hold the tension during the subdi-
vision process.
When cutting remember to keep quads as much as possible to avoid
undesired artifacts when subdividing.
Chapter 9 – Human Project: Anatomy Details
Figure 9-11
Figure 9-12
Figure 9-13
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