Remove the dashed lines shown below to reduce the number of tri-
angles on the hand.
Figure 6-90 shows the arm in shaded view and wire mesh.
We continue making refinements of the line flow from the pectoralis
muscle to the arm and the ulnar bone.
Chapter 6 – Human Project: Male Body
Figure 6-89
Figure 6-90
Figure 6-91
Make some additional cuts to refine the muscles of the inner thigh.
The remaining figures in this chapter illustrate the body parts mod-
eled thus far.
Chapter 6 – Human Project: Male Body
Figure 6-92: Left, the arm after refinements. Right, the inner thigh.
Figure 6-93: Body half in wireframe.
Mirror and weld when you are finished with the model.
Chapter 6 – Human Project: Male Body
Figure 6-94: Front view of head and torso.
Figure 6-95: Back view of head and torso.
Figure 6-96: Back view of legs.
Chapter 6 – Human Project: Male Body
Figure 6-97: Lower legs and feet.
Figure 6-98: The thighs.
Figure 6-99: Perspective view of torso.
Chapter 6 – Human Project: Male Body
Figure 6-100: The arm.
Figure 6-101: The hand.
Figure 6-102: The palm.
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