customization — Changes made by the user to change the soft-
ware user interface to fit the user’s needs related to
ergonomic workflow.
Detach — In 3ds Max, the Detach command separates the se-
lected meshes or vertices. Known as Separate in Maya.
displacement — A technique to push and pull vertices of a geom-
etry using a grayscale map as the reference base on its dark or
light value.
Display — In 3ds Max, Display determines the aspect of the
shading of the 3D model inside the viewport for real-time ma-
Doo-Sabin — A subdivision technique for bi-quadratic B-splines
proposed by Daniel Doo and Malcolm Sabin.
edge loop — Polygonal edges that loop around an object or spe-
cific area and return to the origin. See also line flow.
Detached sphere.
extraordinary vertex — A vertex with a valence less than or
greater than 4.
extrude — In 3D, the process of creating a 3D surface by sweep-
ing a line shape along a curve. Known as Loft in 3ds Max.
face — In 3D, a face is defined as a renderable 2D triangle plane.
Edge loop.
Extraordinary vertex with a valence of 5.
facets — See flat shading
flat shading — Also called constant shading. A rendering method
that does not apply any smoothing technique over the mesh’s
surface, resulting in a faceted appearance.
Gouraud shading — A technique developed by Henri Gouraud to
compute and display a shaded surface based on the color and
illumination at the corner of polygonal planes.
high poly — Term for models with a high number of polygons.
hole — The absence of one or more faces on a mesh structure.
inorganic modeling — The modeling of inorganic objects or ob-
jects that are very complex.
interpolation — A method of constructing new data points from
known data points. In 3D, some subdivision techniques use in-
terpolating methods of mesh refinement.
iterations — A repetition of a piece of code. In 3D mesh subdivi-
sion, the iterations determine how much the mesh will be
Kobbelt — Subdivision scheme proposed by Leif Kobbelt.
Lathe — Operation in 3ds Max that picks a profile spline curve
and revolves it using an axis, generating a 3D object. Known
as Revolve in Maya.
lattice In 3D, a structure of points around a mesh that deform
its surface by manipulating the lattice’s points.
layout — The arrangement of the viewports inside the user inter-
face of a 3D application.
line flow — The edge structure of an anatomy of a specific model,
character, or object. See also edge loops.
Loft — Method of surfacing using a cross section of splines.
Loop — Subdivision technique proposed by Charles Loop.
low poly — Term for models with a low number of polygons to be
rendered in real time in a game engine.
masks — Refers to the mathematical procedures that rule the
process of subdivision. In other words, the “mask” defines the
visual scheme for mathematical procedures of how the soft-
ware will pick the unrefined mesh, subdivide the actual mesh
cage, and try to make it as smooth as possible.
mesh — A 3D object composed of triangular faces. A mesh’s
smoothness is relative to the number of mesh refinement
(subdivision iterations).
MeshSmooth — In 3ds Max, the command to apply subdivision to
a mesh. See also subdivision.
mirror — In 3D, a procedure to duplicate a mesh by inverting it
along one or two axes.
mirror line — Edges at the center of the object that will be
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