Loop Subdivision (1987)
The Loop subdivision method is an approximate primal scheme for
triangular meshes proposed by Charles Loop in 1987. The Loop
method can be applied to triangular arbitrary polygonal meshes.
The following figures show the masks for the Loop subdivision
Figures 3-18 to 3-21 show Loop subdivision in action.
Chapter 3 – Polygon Subdivision
Figure 3-16: Interior rules. Left, rules for odd vertices. Right, rules for even
Figure 3-17: Special rules for creases and boundaries. Left, rules for odd
vertices. Right, rules for even vertices.
Figure 3-18: Unrefined mesh cube with 12 (tri) polygons.
Chapter 3 – Polygon Subdivision
Figure 3-19: First level of subdivision, 48 faces.
Figure 3-20: Second level of subdivision, 192 faces.
Figure 3-21: Third level of subdivision, 768 faces.
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