Chapter 1
Polygonal System
Mastering the tools of your 3D application is only a small part of the
battle. It is highly recommended that you customize the keys of
your application since the default keys often aren’t the perfect com-
bination for you. When you customize the keys and shortcuts, you
fit the keys to match your needs and the program adapts to you as
much as possible in the most ergonomic and efficient way. 3D appli-
cations tend to have enormous numbers of commands, tools,
editors, and options, and if you don’t map shortcuts for your key-
board, it can stress your muscles and slow you down. Think about
the modeling process: You pan the camera, rotate the camera, zoom
the camera, scale, move, rotate, zoom again, pan — all done using
the mouse. Customization also allows you to change colors, the dis-
play, and many other preferences. Of course, not everything can be
changed or mapped to your keyboard or customized in some way,
but the most important things (depending on the software you are
using) probably are.
Here are a few suggestions for customization:
Map the viewport controls for your keyboard like this:
S = Rotate
D = Zoom
F = Zoom to selected object
Map the manipulation controls like this:
E = Rotate
R = Scale
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