The result of this exercise is a simple poly cage for a basic cartoon
Exercise: Cartoon Head 1
Figure 12-13 shows the reference sketch we will use to create a car-
toon head in this exercise.
For this lesson we start with a single polygon, just as we did when
modeling the female head. After placing it correctly, we start
extruding the edge to conform to the eye polygon ring.
Chapter 12 – Cartoon Modeling
Figure 12-12
Figure 12-13: Reference sketch for cartoon head.
With the first ring completed, adjust the shape to fit the eye and
expand the lateral polygon by extruding the edge.
Extrude the polygons to create the forehead and the scalp.
Chapter 12 – Cartoon Modeling
Figure 12-14
Figure 12-15
Figure 12-16
Then adjust the shape to match the reference sheet.
We close the upper part of the head by extruding the edge and weld-
ing the vertices as shown below.
We now have a hole that we can easily repair by using the Cap tool
and cutting the marked areas. Notice that everything is quad and we
can now start extruding as shown at the right in Figure 12-19.
Chapter 12 – Cartoon Modeling
Figure 12-17
Figure 12-18
Figure 12-19
It’s important to always check the proportions of the polygons
extruded or created against the reference sheet as we extrude and
stretch our polygons during the modeling process. Cut the marked
areas and reshape according to the reference.
In Figure 12-21, notice the main line flow has already been estab-
lished for the head and all we have to do is follow those established
Notice that all the polygons fit perfectly as we extrude the edges
and weld the vertices.
Chapter 12 – Cartoon Modeling
Figure 12-20
Figure 12-21
After finishing this step, the base of the head is done.
Complete the neck area by extruding the polygons and welding the
Chapter 12 – Cartoon Modeling
Figure 12-22
Figure 12-23
Figure 12-24
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