Sculpt Deformer
Sculpt Deformer is accessed by selecting Deform | Create Sculpt
Deform. The Sculpt Deformer will displace the mesh based on a
spherical wireframe called the “sculptor.”
In wireframe mode we can clearly see the sculptor inside the
sphere and the deformed wireframe. Sculpt deformer is mostly used
for animation purposes, but it can also be useful in polygonal model-
ing. The advantage is that you can easily place the deformer where
you want and see the results in real time.
Appendix B – Maya Polygonal Modeling Quick Start Guide
Figure B-27
Figure B-28
Marking Menus
Maya has a quick way of displaying all the menus available by press-
ing and holding the Spacebar. With the marking menus you can
quickly access all of the menus for polygons or change the view-
ports. The menus can be easily configured in the preferences.
If you click outside the menu — at the left, right, bottom, or top —
you get different sets of menus.
Appendix B – Maya Polygonal Modeling Quick Start Guide
Figure B-29
Figure B-30
At the right of Figure B-30 is a menu accessed by clicking at the
right side of another menu. These menu options allow you to show
or hide different portions of the UI, such as Shelf, Command Line,
Time Slider, and so on.
Poly Count
To display information about the poly count in Maya, select Display
| Heads up display | Polycount. The heads-up display allows you to
select other functions like frame rate and object properties.
Maya’s polycount system also allows you to see the number of
vertices, edges, and UVs of the object.
Appendix B – Maya Polygonal Modeling Quick Start Guide
Figure B-31
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