This tool has changed in ZBrush 3. It is now available from the
Brushes palette, while the old “Move” tool is now called Trans-
pose and has some different applications. See the section
called “New Tools in ZBrush 3” toward the end of this chapter.
The same applies to the Rotate and Scale tools.
The Scale tool scales the vertices at the brush area using the
brush’s Focal Shift setting for sharpness attenuation during the
operation. Figure 11-11 shows scaling the brush size area, with dif-
ferent Focal Shift values.
Zadd stands for “Z (depth) add (addition).” This option bumps up the
mesh, painting brighter (higher) values on the displacement map.
Notice the difference in the values and the increased height of the
mesh in Figures 11-12 to 11-14.
Chapter 11 – Introduction to ZBrush
Figure 11-11
Figure 11-12: Zadd enabled, with
Intensity of 8.
Figure 11-13: Zadd enabled, with
Intensity of 25.
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