Mesh Errors
Mesh errors are any undesired artifacts or holes, or continuity
errors on the mesh. It’s not uncommon to find errors on the mesh.
Chapter 2 – Polygon Operations
Figure 2-40: Left, an error mesh. Depending on the viewport shading, it may
be hard to find out where the error is before subdivision. Middle, shading
with a high specular level (subdivision level 1). The error is still not easy to
find. Right, the figure has two levels of subdivision and it is more obvious
now where the gap is.
Figure 2-41: The mesh error in this figure is caused by two vertices that are
too close. The solution is to merge them together.
Figure 2-42: Note the problem on the chin.
To find and correct mesh errors, smooth the object and carefully
watch the geometry while searching for them. Mesh errors can pro-
duce undesirable results at render time.
Chapter 2 – Polygon Operations
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