n-gon — Polygon with n sides. For example, a 5-gon is a pentagon
(polygon with five sides).
normal — A non-rendering vector line that points perpendicular
(in or out depending on the configuration of the polygon’s nor-
mal) to a polygonal face.
ordinary vertex — Vertex with a valence of 4.
Mirror line.
Ordinary vertex with a valence of 4.
organic modeling — The modeling of a character, creature, or
organic object.
orthographic view — View of a scene projected onto a drawing
surface or screen in which the lines of projection are perpen-
dicular to the screen. In 3D graphics, orthographic views are
always aligned with the axes of the global Cartesian coordinate
pivot — In 3D, the pivot controls the exact position of objects in
3D space and also has influence over the basic transformation
of the mesh (move, rotate, scale).
pixel Short for pixel element. A computer image is composed
of small dots called pixels.
pixol Term from Pixologic that means “pixels with depth.”
poly — Abbreviation for polygon. See also polygon.
polygon A plane defined by at least three vertices. A tri poly-
gon is made up of three vertices, a quad polygon is made of
two triangular polygons, a pentagon is made of three triangles,
and so on.
poly cage —Seemesh.
poly count — Refers to the number of polygons.
Object seen from four orthogonal views.
primitive — A simple object generated mathematically by default
in most 3D applications. These include cubes, spheres, cones,
cylinders, torii, and planes.
quads — Polygons with four sides.
real time — A one-to-one relationship between display time and
real-life time.
refinement — In 3D subdivision, the procedure of picking a rough
poly cage and using a specific algorithm to subdivide it and
make it smoother.
shading — In 3D, shading determines the look and the physical
aspects of a surface shadow, highlights, and diffuse colors.
smoothing — See subdivision.
SoftModificator — See Soft Selection.
Soft Selection — In 3D, a tool that allows you to pick a selected
portion of vertices, edges, or faces and push or pull with an
attenuation falloff degree.
spline — A curved line made of segments controlled by verti-
ces/control points. The term is generally used to refer to any
curved line. See Bezier curve and B-spline.
subdivision — In 3D, the process of picking a polygonal mesh and
applying a mesh refining algorithm technique to increase the
smoothness and the continuity of the mesh.
triangles (tris) Three-sided polygons. See also face.
UV — Abbreviation for UWV. UVW are the coordinates for texture
mapping. These are different from XYZ, which are the coordi-
nates for geometry in the 3D space.
valence — The number of edge boundaries connected to a vertex.
vertex — A point in the mesh cage without length or volume that
is responsible for controlling the shape of the polygonal 3D
weld — In 3D, an operation related to picking two or more verti-
ces inside a tolerance range and merging them togther.
wireframe — 3D surface display method that shows the mesh
cage without any surface shading technique.
A cube subdivided into a sphere.
Vertex points.
X,Y,Z — Space coordinates. Generally, X represents the length, Y
the height, and Z the depth.
ZBrush — 3D application developed by Pixologic
Wireframe display of a cylinder.
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