Useful Links for ZBrush
Here are some helpful sites for information about ZBrush: — Official ZBrush developer’s site. — Official forum/discussion
group of ZBrush. — World’s largest computer graphics discus-
sion forum; they have a ZBrush forum, as well as a modeling
forum and application-specific forums.
Shortcuts to Remember
Press Alt and click outside to frame an object.
Hold Ctrl, then press and release Shift (red selection) to hide
everything inside the selection marquee.
Hold Ctrl, then Shift (green selection) to hide everything outside
the rectangle marquee.
Hold Ctrl+Shift, then click outside to unhide all.
Hold Ctrl+Alt to unmask the selection.
Point select allows you to hide/unhide everything the selection
Hold Ctrl to mask the selection.
Ctrl+click anywhere to invert the selection.
Chapter 11 – Introduction to ZBrush
Figure 11-89
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