Chapter 7
Human Project:
Female Head
The Female Head Shape
We used box modeling to create the male head, but with the female
head we’ll start with a single polygon. This allows us to show a vari-
ety of different techniques and methods for successfully building a
polygonal cage.
Figure 7-1 shows the reference sheet we will use for the female
Figure 7-1: Reference sheet for female head.
We start with a single polygon, placing it near the eyebrow and
extruding the edge.
We continue this process until we get the ring with 10 faces as
shown at the left in Figure 7-3. Weld the final vertices to the begin-
ning polygon, then select the marked edges and push back to fit the
reference sheet.
Continue the same process to reshape the flat polygonal ring to a
base edge loop for the eye.
Chapter 7 – Human Project: Female Head
Figure 7-2
Figure 7-3
Figure 7-4
Next we extrude the upper edges down to fit the polygons to the
eye contour. The lower edges are selected and extruded up.
After this is done we need to make some adjustments. Merge the
marked vertices, extrude the edges down and merge the corre-
sponding vertices, then cut the marked edges as shown in Figure
Now we expand the polygons using edge extrusion. Always remem-
ber to weld the extra vertices generated by edge extrusion.
Chapter 7 – Human Project: Female Head
Figure 7-5
Figure 7-6
Figure 7-7
We extrude up and cut the marked edges.
Reshape the new faces to fit the reference.
Then we continue to extrude the edges to match the already exist-
ing polygons.
Chapter 7 – Human Project: Female Head
Figure 7-8
Figure 7-9
Figure 7-10
We extrude the eye’s corner edge, weld marked vertices, and then
generate a new four-sided polygon that can be extended as shown
Notice in the front view that the faces that were just added conform
to the front reference. We select the marked edges and continue,
always checking our front reference.
Now we can begin to model the rest of the face front with the same
process of edge extrusion.
Chapter 7 – Human Project: Female Head
Figure 7-11
Figure 7-12
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