algorithm — In computer graphics programming, defined as an
expression or a set of ordered steps for solving complex math-
ematical problems.
aliasing — Undesired artifacts in straight lines generally pro-
duced by limitations of pixel resolution display.
antialiasing — Set of mathematical oversampling techniques for
removing aliasing problems related to limitations of pixel dis-
play resolution.
Attach — In 3ds Max, means to join two distinct meshes and
combine into one. This is called Combine in Maya.
axis — In 3D, one of the three space coordinates — X, Y or Z.
Left, edge with aliasing; right, edge with antialiasing.
3D axis.
B-spline — A basis spline; smooth spline curve controlled by at
least three control vertices.
backface culling — In 3D modeling, a technique to hide the
wireframe (vertices, edges, and faces) of the surface that faces
the camera.
bevel — In 3D, bevel is related to an expansion of the edges and
vertices into a new polygonal face.
B-spline closed curve.
Left, sphere with backface culling. Right, sphere without backface
Bézier curve — Curves defined by four points: initial and final
positions (also called anchor points) and the middle control
points. Manipulating these points causes the shape of the
blocking — A technique to simplify a complex shape, form, or ob-
ject by starting work on the parts separately.
blueprint — References from an orthographic point of view of
mechanical devices, vehicles, etc.
Left, box; right, box with top polygon after bevel operation.
Bézier curve.
Boolean Logical mathematical operations developed by George
Boole. In 3D, Boolean operations consist of picking two ob-
jects and joining them together, subtracting them, or having
them intersect each other.
border subelement — In 3ds Max, defined edges at the limit of
the mesh and the hole.
bump — A technique for simulating bumps, wrinkles, and irregu-
larities on objects by using a grayscale texture. The 3D
application interprets the darker values as depressions and
lighter values as bumps.
Butterfly — A subdivision technique proposed by Nira Dyn, Da-
vid Levine, and John Gregory.
CAD — Abbreviation for computer-assisted design.
Cartesian system — Coordinate space system devised by René
Descartes that designates the height, length, and deepness of
the 3D space represented by three axes — X, Y, and Z.
Boolean operations.
Catmull-Clark — A subdivision technique proposed by Edward
Catmull and Jim Clark in 1978.
Chaikin — A curve cut-corner refinement algorithm proposed by
George Chaikin in 1974.
chamfer — In 3D modeling, the removal of a vertex to create
non-90-degree corners.
Combine — See Attach.
continuity — Relates to a mathematical measure about the
smoothness of two curves or 3D surface. Good or bad continu-
ity has direct effects on the final look of a 3D surface.
Representation of Cartesian system in 3D space.
Edge continuity of the object’s silhouette.
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