Circular Depression
You can also create a circular depression. Start by creating a rectan-
gle and slicing the polygon with the Cut tool, as shown in Figure
3-57. Scale up this rectangle to get a more elliptical hole when we
extrude down.
With the face scaled we can cut the ellipse inside the rectangle, cut-
ting from vertex to vertex. Select the circular polygon and extrude
down to generate new tension where the extrusion stopped.
By making the hole manually, we can set the shape and the border
in many ways.
Chapter 3 – Polygon Subdivision
Figure 3-57
Figure 3-58
The above step gives us the smoothing shown at the left in Figure
3-60, but we can chamfer the lower edge and get a much sharper
Figure 3-61 shows the results of creating a bump and a circular
depression after three levels of subdivision and shading with a high
specular value.
Chapter 3 – Polygon Subdivision
Figure 3-59
Figure 3-60
Figure 3-61
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