Chapter 12
Cartoon Modeling
Subdivision Applied to Cartoon Modeling
All the information presented in Chapter 3 about the behavior of the
geometry during the subdivision process is crucial when modeling
cartoon characters as long as we use a low-poly cage to model the
object. In this quick exercise we discuss techniques to use when
creating a rough model of a cartoon body.
Using the same technique applied to the human female body, we
use half of a box and start shaping the arm from the top polygon.
After a few extrusions and scaling, we have the arm ready and we
can start extruding the leg using the same process.
Figure 12-1
Figure 12-2
After a few extrusions and some tweaking, the torso, arm, and leg
are finished.
Then we start extruding down the polygon that will serve as the
base for the foot.
Notice that all the polygons for this character are quad and pretty
Chapter 12 – Cartoon Modeling
Figure 12-3
Figure 12-4
Figure 12-5
We start extruding the wrist a couple of times so we can have a nice
deformation, and then extrude and cut to define the base for the fin-
gers. This character will have only three fingers plus the thumb.
We extrude the fingers as shown below and use the same process to
start creating the thumb.
Be sure to avoid the big n-gon on the hand, as it will produce unde-
sirable results.
Chapter 12 – Cartoon Modeling
Figure 12-6
Figure 12-7
Figure 12-8
Extrude the neck polygon two times.
Cut the extruded polygon and reshape the vertices to conform to a
head shape.
Delete the middle polygons so we can weld a mirrored side.
Chapter 12 – Cartoon Modeling
Figure 12-9
Figure 12-10
Figure 12-11
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