2D view, 4
3D space, 4
3D surface, 3
3D view, 5
3ds Max modeling guide, 339-366
90 degree cut, creating, 79-80
arbitrary topology, 43
modeling, 113, 177-178
refining, 121, 122-123, 146-147, 182, 185
Attach, 31-32
automatic placement of objects, 14
automatic reduction of polygons, 331
axis, 5
backface culling, 7
Bend tool, 19-20, 29-30
Bevel tool, 29-30
beveling, 29-30
Blob brush (ZBrush), 272
block modeling, 86
blueprint, see reference
body modeling,
cartoon, 279-283, 295-299, 311-322
human, 111-148, 175-199
Boolean operations, 15-16
correcting, 80-81
box modeling,
cartoon body, 279, 296, 311-312
hand, 124, 186
human body, 111-112, 176-177
human head, 88-89
ogre head, 224
teeth, 206
bump, creating, 65-66
Butterfly subdivision, 52-53
By Local option, 24-25
By World option, 24
Cartesian system, 4
cartoon project,
body, 279-283, 295-299, 311-322
eye, 215-216
hand, 300-301
head, 283-295, 302-310
Catmull-Clark subdivision, 46-49
using, 55-56
Chaikin algorithm, 44-45
Chamfer tool, 29-30
chart, see reference
ClayTubes brush (ZBrush), 273
continuity, 54-55, 330-331
controls, customizing, 1
cracks, creating, 69-71
Cut tool, 25-26
deformations, global, 17-20
Detach, 31
displacement map, 235
applying, 235-239
creating in ZBrush, 265
exporting in ZBrush, 266
display options, 7
Doo-Sabin algorithm, 46
Duplicate tool, 34
ear, modeling, 98-106, 167-172
edge flow, 59
edge loop, 60
edges, 6
extruding, 26
soft, 61-65
Edit Curve options (ZBrush), 258-259
errors in mesh, 40-41
extraordinary vertices, 43
Extrude tool, 26
extrusion, 12, 26-28
Extrusion tool, 12
eye modeling,
cartoon, 215-216
human, 216-219
eyelashes, modeling, 219-221
face, 6
extruding, 27
female body,
final model, 199-203
modeling, 175-199
Focal Shift setting (ZBrush), 249-250
folds, tips for modeling, 332
foot, modeling, 139-141, 195-198
Freeze tool, 22
geometry subdivision (ZBrush), 250-251
global deformations, 17-20
Gouge brush (ZBrush), 273
Gouraud shading, 324, 326-330
cartoon, 300-301
human, 124-138, 186-194
refining, 147
HD Geometry (ZBrush), 274-275
cartoon, 283-295, 302-310
final model, 107-110, 173-174
human, 88-97, 153-167
ogre, 223-233
Hide tool, 22
hiding polygons (ZBrush), 251-252
holes, 36
creating, 67-68, 71-72
creating in curved surfaces, 75-77
smoothing, 36-39
tips for modeling, 333
human project,
ear, 98-106, 167-172
eye, 216-219
female body, 175-203
head, 88-97, 153-167
male body, 111-152
Inflat option (ZBrush), 255
InflatDot option (ZBrush), 255
inorganic modeling, 61-77
Kobbelt subdivision, 53-54
Lathe tool, 12-13
Lattice tool, 17
Layer tool (ZBrush), 257
layers, 22
layouts, 2
LazyMouse (ZBrush), 274
modeling, 113-115, 180-181
refining, 121-123, 144, 182, 185, 199
levels, tips for modeling, 335
limbs, tips for modeling, 332
Loft tool, 13-14
Loop subdivision, 50-51
low-poly objects, 323
male body,
final model, 148-152
modeling, 111-148
manipulation controls, customizing, 1
masking (ZBrush), 253-254
masks, 43
Maya modeling guide, 367-389
Mesh Extract (ZBrush), 276
detaching, 31
errors in, 40-41
importing into ZBrush, 244-245
merging, 31-32
resolution of, 331-332
smoothing holes in, 36-39
welding, 142-143
Mirror tool, 34
model sheet, see reference
modeling, inorganic, 61-77
modeling tips, 332-335
Morph tool (ZBrush), 256-257
Move tool, 23
Move tool (ZBrush), 246-247, 275
MultiMarker (ZBrush), 270-271
normals, 9-10
Nudge tool (ZBrush), 255-256
automatic placement of, 14
modeling, 10-11
naming, 6-7
resolution of, 333-334
selecting, 8
ogre head,
final model, 234
modeling, 223-233
OpenGL, using, 324-325
operational tools, 12-14
ordinary vertices, 43
organizational tools, 22
orthogonal view, 4
pass-through mode, 16
perspective view, 5
Pinch tool (ZBrush), 257-258
pivot point, 35
poly count,
controlling, 332
reducing, 331
polygons, 6
attributes of, 6
cutting, 25-26
hiding in ZBrush, 251-252
masking in ZBrush, 253-254
modeling with, 11
reducing, 20-21
subdivision of, 43
using to create cartoon head, 283-284
using to create ear, 98-99, 167
polygonal modeling, tips for, 337-388
polysmooth, 60
primitives, 10
modeling with, 10, 57-58
using to create cartoon head, 302-303
Projection Master (ZBrush), 260-264
proportions, checking, 142
quad polygon, 6
Rake brush (ZBrush), 273
reference, 83
creating, 83-85
Rotate tool, 23
Scale tool, 23
Scale tool (ZBrush), 247, 275
scaling, 24
shading, 8-9, 326-330
Smooth tool (ZBrush), 258
smoothing, 43, 60-61 see also subdivision
soft edges, creating, 61-65
Soft Selection, 39
spline, 10
modeling with, 10-11
Std option (ZBrush), 254-255
StdDot option (ZBrush), 255
subdivision, 43, 60
levels (ZBrush), 250-251
schemes, 44-54
SubTool (ZBrush), 274
symmetry orientation (ZBrush), 260
teeth, modeling, 205-214
thickness, adding to object, 72-75
manipulation (ZBrush), 245-254
operational, 12-14
organizational, 22
transform (ZBrush), 254-260
Topology tool (ZBrush), 276-277
modeling, 111-113, 175-177
refining, 116-120, 145, 178-180, 181-182,
Transpose tool (ZBrush), 275-276
tri polygon, 6
triangle strips, 325-326
triangles and shading, 326-330
Twist tool, 18-19
Unified Skin tool (ZBrush), 272
unmatched vertices, 78-79
UV mapping options (ZBrush), 264-266
vertex, 6
extruding, 27
extraordinary, 43
ordinary, 43
unmatched, 78-79
viewport controls, customizing, 1
Weld command, 32-33
welding, 32-33
x-ray mode, 16
Zadd tool (ZBrush), 247-248
ZBrush, 241-243
importing into, 244-245
manipulation tools, 245-254
Projection Master, 260-264
sculpting workflow, 277-278
shortcuts, 278
transform tools, 254-260
using alpha brushes in, 261-264
ZBrush 3, 272-277
ZSphere tool, (ZBrush), 266-270
Zsub tool (ZBrush), 248-249
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