Edge Loop
Edge loops occur when the end of the line encounters the begin-
ning, forming a loop.
The same thing occurs when a line contours a model and returns to
its origin.
Subdivision and Iterations
Polysmooth is a term for smoothing polygonal surfaces, and is also
called subdivision, which was discussed earlier in this chapter. The
iterations correspond to the number of subdivisions, meaning the
higher the iteration value, the higher the number of polygons and
the smoother the surface. One secret to working with a 3D scene is
to manage the weight of the elements in the scene. This means, in
geometry terms, that you need to carefully watch the number of
visible objects in your viewport and the density of the mesh (num-
ber of polygons). Sometimes a higher number of polygons (high
iteration value) is necessary for a good general resolution of the
object (better continuity).
The following figures are two examples of smoothing with
changing iteration values.
Chapter 3 – Polygon Subdivision
Figure 3-40: Edge loops.
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