Then we add more edges, always checking for triangular meshes
formed when cutting the polygon. As we refine the mesh, more
edges and vertices are added. If the base structure isn’t correct, it
will be much harder to fix after a number of vertices have been
moved and tweaked.
When cutting the marked area, keep everything as much quad as
possible. Notice that when the new edge is generated by the cut, a
triangle has appeared, but in this case it’s easily removed by weld-
ing the marked vertices.
Chapter 6 – Human Project: Male Body
Figure 6-55
Figure 6-56
Now this is looking much more like a palm should look, but it still
needs more work on some areas. Cut the marked edges.
When we cut the marked areas, notice that many control edges have
been added to improve the bulge during the rigging process of the
Chapter 6 – Human Project: Male Body
Figure 6-57
Figure 6-58
Figure 6-59
We continue to cut the palm to add more tension, planning every
step and following the correct line flow.
With the new edges we got a more defined bulge area of the palm as
shown in shaded mode. Try to avoid triangles and areas where there
are big size differences between the polygons.
Remove the dashed lines shown in Figure 6-62 and continue the
line on the side of the palm. If you get two triangles, weld the verti-
ces; it will be easier to make one triangle disappear than two.
Chapter 6 – Human Project: Male Body
Figure 6-60
Figure 6-61
In comparing the shaded mode and the wire mesh, we can clearly
see the hand structure and how the polygons we have planned and
tweaked behave when subdivided.
The hand is almost finished, but the thumb still needs work. Cut the
marked area to improve the tension and define the base mesh for
further refinement.
Chapter 6 – Human Project: Male Body
Figure 6-62
Figure 6-63
Figure 6-64
With the base mesh well defined, we can make a cut similar to the
other fingers’ nails.
Now our hand is complete.
Chapter 6 – Human Project: Male Body
Figure 6-65
Figure 6-66: Wire mesh and shaded versions of the hand.
Figure 6-67
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