Now we have the base head and neck complete. From this step we
can start increasing definition and refining our cartoon character.
Be sure to check often how the wireframe is fitting the reference
Extrude the upper edges of the eye socket border and start cutting
the marked edges for finer control.
Chapter 12 – Cartoon Modeling
Figure 12-25
Figure 12-26
Figure 12-27
Cut the marked edges shown at left and center in Figure 12-28 and
remove the dashed line shown at the right.
Keep the marked edge shown below at left and add the edges shown
in the center. This is a continuous cut from the left figure that will
avoid unfinished cuts.
While you’re tweaking, be sure to subdivide the mesh and turn back
to level 0 of subdivision for a finer adjustment of the placement of
the eyeball and its relationship with the skin.
Chapter 12 – Cartoon Modeling
Figure 12-28
Figure 12-29
Notice that the closer edges are required to hold the tension on the
skin around the eyeball.
Figure 12-32 shows wire mesh and subdivided versions of the car-
toon head with the eyes complete.
Chapter 12 – Cartoon Modeling
Figure 12-30
Figure 12-31
Figure 12-32
For the nose we select the marked polygons.
Extrude the polygons up and remove the polygons in the middle to
avoid problems when we mirror this half of the head and weld the
Figure 12-35 shows wire mesh and subdivided versions of the head
with the nose complete.
Chapter 12 – Cartoon Modeling
Figure 12-33
Figure 12-34
Figure 12-35
Add some edges below the mouth area to define the chin and jaw.
Now it’s time to create edge loops around the mouth to hold the
tension. In Figure 12-37, notice that the image in the center has a
triangle at the corner of the mouth. This is a problem since the area
is important for deformation. There’s a quick way to solve this: Cut
the marked area at the right of the figure.
Then remove the old dashed line (shown below at left) and notice
that everything is quad again. Cut a few more edges following the
flow of the mouth.
Chapter 12 – Cartoon Modeling
Figure 12-36
Figure 12-37
Figure 12-38
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