With the extra edges created, we can define the lips.
The subdivided version of the head is shown below at left. We now
turn to the ear. Select the marked polygons.
Extrude the polygons a little bit, then weld the marked vertices and
extrude again as shown at the center and right in Figure 12-41.
Chapter 12 – Cartoon Modeling
Figure 12-39
Figure 12-40
Figure 12-41
After finishing the extrusion, we need to reshape the ear to avoid
having a flat ear.
The base of the ear is done. Cut the marked edges and push back
the marked vertices as shown at the right in Figure 12-43.
Cut the marked edges to produce the base of the polygons that will
be the ear hole, then select them and extrude in.
Chapter 12 – Cartoon Modeling
Figure 12-42
Figure 12-43
Figure 12-44
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