
HTTrack ( allows us to view an entire website offline. It does this by creating a clone copy of an online website and storing it locally on our computer. To use HTTrack, simply open a new Terminal window and perform the following steps:

  1. Execute the httrack command to invoke the interactive wizard.
  2. Enter a name for the project.
  3. Set the destination path to store the offline copy of the target website. Hitting Enter will use the defaults in the brackets.
  4. Specify the URL.
  5. Choose an appropriate action.
  6. Confirm the details and launch HTTrack to mirror the website.

The following is a screenshot indicating the steps that we have just outlined:

Cloning a website can be very useful as you'll be able to discover and access hidden resources and files that weren't accessible via the online version. As a penetration tester, you can explore each offline directory thoroughly; normally, webmasters tend not to always perform any cleanup of old data and files, so there'll be lots to explore.

Having completed this section, you have the knowledge required to copy a target website onto your Kali Linux machine. In the next section, we will attempt to retrieve subdomains for a target domain.

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