Physical penetration testing

Physical penetration testing focuses on testing the physical security access control systems in place to protect an organization's data. Security controls exist within offices and data centers to prevent unauthorized persons from entering secure areas of a company.

Physical security controls include the following:

  • Security cameras and sensors: Security cameras are used to monitor physical actions within an area.
  • Biometric authentication systems: Biometrics are used to ensure that only authorized people are granted access to an area.
  • Doors and locks: Locking systems are used to prevent unauthorized persons from entering a room or area.
  • Security guards: Security guards are people who are assigned to protect something, someone, or an area.

Having completed this section, you are now able to describe the various types of penetration testing. Your journey ahead won't be complete without understanding the phases of hacking. The different phases of hacking will be covered in the next section.

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