Lesson 19 | Quick Properties

In this lesson, you adjust object properties on several different types of objects. You begin to learn about the Quick Properties panel, how to access it, and how to control its visibility and behavior. You then use the Quick Properties panel to quickly change object properties.

Object properties are adjusted frequently in each drawing editing session. The Quick Properties panel enables you to streamline and simplify the process because you only see the properties that you need. This enables you to make object property changes much faster.



After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Describe the Quick Properties panel and settings.
  • View object properties using the Quick Properties panel.

About Quick Properties

The Quick Properties panel is a convenient way to view and modify object properties without losing space to the larger Properties palette. Quick Properties are automatically displayed when you select an object, and they disappear when the object is deselected. You can view and modify the properties of the object that are displayed in the Quick Properties panel. While beyond the scope of this lesson, you can use the CUI dialog box to change the properties that are displayed on the Quick Properties panel to show the properties that you use the most.

Quick Properties Panel

The following options are available in the Quick Properties panel.


images Object Type: Displays the type of object selected.
images Object Properties: Lists object properties.
images Customize: Displays the Customize User Interface (CUI) dialog box where you can specify the object types and the properties that display for them in the Quick Properties panel.
images Options: Displays the options menu where you can close, customize, and change Quick Properties settings. You can also set the location mode to cursor or float and specify whether the Quick Properties panel automatically collapses.


When multiple objects are selected, the Quick Properties panel only displays properties that are common to all selected objects. You can select a specific type of object from a drop-down list to display all of the Quick Properties for that object type.


Quick Properties Settings

You can specify how and where the Quick Properties panel is displayed in the Drafting Settings dialog box, Quick Properties tab. The following settings are available:


images Enable Quick Properties Palette: Displays the type of object selected. When multiple objects are selected, a drop-down list enables you to select a specific type of object.
images Palette Display: Sets the Quick Properties panel to display all objects or only the objects that have defined Quick Properties in the Customize User Interface (CUI).
images Palette Location: Sets the location mode of the Quick Properties panel to Cursor or Static.
images Palette Behavior: Enables the Quick Properties panel to display only the number of properties specified for Default Height. You must scroll or expand the Quick Properties panel to view properties if more than the default number are available.

Location Modes

The Quick Properties panel can be displayed in three different modes:

  • Cursor mode – Use this option to display the panel alongside the cursor when an object is selected.
  • Static mode – Use this option to display the panel in the same place on the screen unless you manually reposition it.

Using Quick Properties

When Quick Properties are turned on, the Quick Properties panel displays when you select an object. The Quick Properties panel no longer displays when you deselect that object. If you do not want the Quick Properties panel to display each time you select an object, use the toggle functionality on the status bar or in the Drafting Settings dialog box to turn Quick Properties off.

Command Access


Procedure: Using Quick Properties

The following steps give an overview of using Quick Properties.

  1. On the status bar, verify Quick Properties is turned on.
  2. Select an object.
  3. In the Quick Properties panel, view or change the desired object property.
  4. Press ESC to exit the Quick Properties panel.
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